Cumbria Kart Racing Club ltd 2020 Supplementary Regulations 1


Minutes of a meeting of the Cumbria Children’s Trust Board held on 4 March 2010 at 1.00 pm at The Courts, Carlisle.


Ms M Swann (Chair)

Professor J Ashton - Director of Public Health

Mr M Bowman - Chief Executive – Connexions Cumbria

Mrs A Burns - Cumbria County Council – Children’s Social Care Portfolio Holder

Ms A Carmichael - County Manager, Continuing Learning (item 11)

Mr K Douglas - Chief Executive, Eden District Council

Ms J Goodfellow - Public Engagement Lead – NHS Cumbria (item 10)

Ms V Hallard - Area Development Manager – Continuing Learning – Children’s Services Directorate (item 11)

Ms A Holliman - Strategic Manager – Cumbria Children’s Trust Team (items 5, 6 and 8)

Mrs N Jackson - Children’s Trust Board Manager

Mr S Mason - Children’s Services Directorate

Mr R Norman - Voluntary Sector Representative

ACC M Skeer - Cumbria Constabulary

Mr J Swainston - Head of Service – Schools and Learning Projects – Children’s Services Directorate

Mr P Thornton - District Councils Member Representative

Mr M Watmough - Head of Service – Commissioning and Management Support, Children’s Services Directorate

Mr V Watson - NHS Cumbria


1.apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Dr M Bewick (NHS Cumbria), Ms E Clarke (LSC), Ms Y Craig (CHA), Ms A Hennessy (Cumbria Probation Service), Mr T Hobson (CASH), Mr K Jones (Children’s Services Directorate), Ms D Royston (YOS), Ms H Smith (Children’s Services Directorate), Mr S Taylor (Carlisle City Council) and Ms C Wynne (Public Health Partnerships – NHS Cumbria).

It was also noted that ACC M Skeer (Cumbria Constabulary) and Mr J Swainston (Children’s Services Directorate) would be late.

The Chair stated that Emer Clarke (LSC) had sent a message indicating that as the LSC was ceasing to operate she would no longer be attending meetings of the Board. The Chair, on behalf of the Board, wished Emma best wishes for the future and for her contributions to the work of the Children’s Trust.

2.disclosures of interest

Councillor P Thornton declared an interest in that he maintained the swimming portfolio at South Lakeland District Council.

3.minutes of the previous meeting

(i) The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 4 February 2010 were agreed.

(ii) Matters arising from the minutes:-

  • Item 4 – Children’s Speech Language and Communication – in relation to the Trust identifying a champion for children’s communication (arising from a recommendation from the Bercow review) it was agreed that Michael Watmough (Children’s Services Directorate) and Vernon Watson (NHS Cumbria) would share this responsibility.

  • Action appendix – Creative Arts and CLA – whilst it was felt that this was a good way of engaging young people and targeting work in relation to CLA there was a need to pool necessary resources in a co-ordinated manner in order to ensure sustained development.

  • Action appendix – 16/17 Year Old Housing Protocols – the Chair and DC representative reiterated that GONW had indicated that insufficient progress was being made by the County and District Councils re housing arrangements for this age group. Therefore there was an urgent need to progress action re housing strategy/ protocols and that it was imperative that a paper be submitted to the next Board meeting for consideration.

4.children’s trust WORK STREAM chairs 2010-11

The Board considered a report which updated members about proposed work stream arrangements for the coming three years which included seven existing and two new ones (ie Needs and Resources and Partner Engagement). It was reiterated that work streams supported the delivery of Board objectives as well as driving key elements of the Children and Young People’s Plan. It was emphasised that business plans (which were renewed annually) needed to ensure a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of work streams which included holding those responsible for action to account and building on good practice.

Members were asked to agree the proposed list of work streams and who should chair them. It was also agreed that the Board be circulated with a list of representatives on each work stream.

In relation to a suggestion that development of the Joint Commissioning Board be added to the list of work streams there was discussion about the possibility of this being part of the remit of the new Needs and Resources work stream.


(1) to agree the proposed work streams for 2010/11;

(2) that the current chairs of the existing seven work streams continue to serve 2010/11;

(3) that Moira Swann supported by Vernon Watson initially chair the new Needs and Resources work stream;

(4) that Stephen Mason chair the new Partner Engagement work stream;

(5) that discussion be held with Kathy Wynne regarding the future chairing of the Preventative Strategy work stream which is currently chaired by Moira Swann. swimming provision

The Board considered an update report in relation to the implementation of the free swimming programme for under 16s across Cumbria it highlighted issues in relation to the long-term sustainability of the scheme given that the national funding for this was likely to end in March 2011. An additional appendix indicating Children’s Services contributions to swimming at a number of pools across the County was circulated to Board members.

The report summarised details of the Government’s scheme and take up in districts across the County which in reality amounted to approximately £1 per swim. Responses from the districts demonstrated that the programme had been popular and take had been improved. However districts had expressed concerns about its future sustainability once current Government funding ended as alternative resources would not be readily available.

There was discussion about possible ways forward including introducing a low charging rate (eg £1 per swimming session). Reference was also made to pressures on existing providers, full costs associated with providing such services, use of volunteers, accessibility, the possibility of introducing a system of GP prescriptions for swimming, marketing issues, the need for more detailed information about take-up and targeting of particular areas and groups of young people. It was also suggested that the government could be asked to consider continuing funding if a case could be made about the effectiveness of the programme and how it could be used to further target particular hard to reach young people and localities. It was agreed that the programme was a force for change and related directly to the health and well-being agenda. It was an issue which needed to be championed on behalf of children and that actions should be taken to ensure that it could be supported in a sustainable way.


(1) to note the report;

(2) that a group involving those involved with leisure passes for under 16s and LAC and other relevant officers from organisation such as the Sports Council and NHS undertake a review and consider options and actions which would enable the promotion of swimming and target particular groups in a sustainable way;

(3) that a further report be submitted to the Board in June.

6.transport issues for children and young people in cumbria – a review paper from the transport WORK STREAM

The Board considered a report regarding a review undertaken by the Trust’s Transport Work stream on transport issues affecting children and young people in the county, the key issues identified and recommendations for moving forward.

The report covered issues such as barriers encountered, safety, access to and availability of information, rurality and urban access issues and attitudes about the provision of free transport. It was reported that transport for children and young people was a huge and complex issue and one where ‘universal’ solutions might not necessarily be appropriate or effective because of the diverse range of communities existing in the county. Difficulties had been encountered in trying to obtain detail about the total amount spent on transport for young people as it tended to be embedded in a range of differing budget programmes. The county lacked an overall transport strategy for young people and whilst there were examples of good practice this was not necessarily shared across the county. There was also evidence of under-utilisation of existing facilities.

In terms of future options the LTP3 review process provided a real opportunity to develop an appropriate transport strategy in relation to children and young people and for them and key stakeholders to be engaged in the process eg specific events etc. In terms of asset management the existing minibus fleet was an example of existing under utilisation of provision (with limited use outside of school hours). There was a need to review current access to information about transport services and how it should in future be more closely linked to ways young people now accessed information. BSF also provided a real opportunity to improve transport arrangements. The County Council’s Corporate Plan also needed to take greater account of transport for children and young people.

The Chair welcomed the report as a substantial piece of work on a major issue and which focused on the viewpoints of children and young people themselves. In response to concerns about a lack of services in particular areas (eg Barrow) it was acknowledged that the report highlighted inequalities across the County in terms of the distribution of and access to services and the need to ensure greater equity. The different types of transport services currently be provided by differing organisations emphasised the need for a single co‑ordinated transport strategy approach in the county. Ensuring that transport was timetabled properly to synchronise with the times of activities was vital in order to enable young people to have access to and from events. In addition access to information about transport timetables etc needed to be improved. Other matters discussed included the significant role to be played by the voluntary sector and the importance of asset management at both strategic and locality level and the role of centralised procurement in relation to transport infrastructure.

In relation to the recommendations outlined in the report the Board emphasised the need for a Children’s Services Directorate Lead Officer to facilitate planning and co‑ordinate asset management, the need for greater co‑ordination of knowledge of and communication about existing resources across service providers, that the outcomes of the review be considered as part of the LTP3 review and that the issue of transport for children and young people be given greater priority. In terms of the future role of the Transport Work Group it was agreed that development of the outcomes of the report should be embedded in Children’s Trust activity and that its Business Plan should be redefined to ensure a continuing overseeing role for the work stream.


(i) to note and welcome the transport work stream report on transport issues for children and young people in Cumbria;

(ii) support the 13 recommendations outlined in the report;

(iii) that priority be given to better use of existing assets, Children’s Services Directorate involvement, communication about the existing provision and full consideration of the work stream’s findings in the forthcoming LTP3 review;

(iv) that further consideration be given to redefining the transport work stream Business Plan with a view to it overseeing and monitoring developments in relation to the recommendations contained in its review.

7.interim strategic workforce lead – phd research request

The Board considered a report by Children’s Trust Board Manager which provided information on a request from Caz Stewart, Children’s Trust Interim Strategic Workforce Lead to use the experiences she has gained within this interim role as a basis for her research on ‘Investigating Collaborative Practice’ as part of her PHD study. The Board was asked to approve the request. It was reported that if approved the Board would have the benefit of her research findings.

RESOLVED, to approve the request from Caz Stewart to use the experiences she had gained in the role of Interim Strategic Workforce Lead as a basis of research for her PHD study.

8.preventative framework work stream

The Board considered a report by the Strategic Manager, Cumbria Children’s Trust. The report outlined the project priority areas agreed in August 2009 which included hospital admissions, narrowing the gap, reducing CLA population in West Cumbria and CLA NEET numbers in North Cumbria. Additional projects had subsequently been added as tactical review areas including reducing the CLA population in Furness, teenage conceptions, and NEET for vulnerable groups. Detailed reports were submitted for each tactical review area together with the CAMHS/Behaviour Support Strategy Review. The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Children’s Social Care felt that the information provided was timely and would be fed into work being undertaken regarding a review of Safeguarding proceedures.

There was discussion about the usefulness of obtaining and using data for separate locality group areas. Reference was also made to fluctuations in relation to CLA numbers in recent years and recent rises resulting from a more risk adverse approach taken by authorities since the Baby Peter case in Harringay. It was pointed out that all cases were regularly reviewed and appropriate use made of preventative services with children and families at risk. Concern was expressed about a level of restrictions placed in respect of data on teenage pregnancies which reduced its usefulness in terms of taking positive and targeted action (eg where clusters may exist) and for analysing and addressing causal factors.

RESOLVED, to note the report, endorse the decisions made by the Preventative Framework Group and support the new priority areas identified.

9.transfer of responsibilities to the local authority for the strategic planning, performance and funding of 16‑19 year old learners in cumbria

The Board considered a report on progress being made to date on the management of the transfer of accountabilities for 16‑19 learners from the LSC to the County Council. The paper outlined the background to the transfer, the challenges faced, key actions requiring implementation and the main issues being faced in relation to the transfer of learning responsibilities and LSC staff which needed to take place by 1 April 2010. The transfer which was being overseen by the 14‑19 Strategic Partnership and Transition Project Board was generally on track. The report also highlighted the opportunities to influence the 14‑19 reform agenda over the next 18 months.

The Board briefly discussed issues relating to the current situation and future status of the Newton Rigg site of the University of Cumbria, continuing to meet the needs of learners (particularly in rural areas of Eden and surrounding areas) and meetings held with senior University personnel about proposals for the future. Planned changes over the next few years in relation to rises in the upper age limit of young people participating in formal learning, successes in achieving NEET stretch targets and increasing participation at various levels of the learning process were also mentioned. Other issues discussed included making appropriate course choices, expanding apprenticeship schemes, funding formula and reallocation of resources. In relation to future opportunities the Chair emphasised the need to establish links between various initiatives, such as BSF, as part of the process of reshaping the delivery of services for 14‑16 year olds and 16‑19 year olds, addressing gaps in provision and under‑performance and ensuring appropriately skilled and sustainable workforces.

RESOLVED, to note progress made to date in respect of the transfer of responsibilities for 16‑19 learners in Cumbria to local authorities.

10.participation framework

The Board considered a report by the Public Engagement Lead, NHS Cumbria. The Participation Work Stream Group had produced a framework document which provided a direction and an approach to participation with children and young people across the County. The intention was to ensure that participation was a positive and meaningful experience for all involved and a valued sense of learning for those taking part and the agencies and projects delivering services. There was evidence of positive and emerging good practice across the County and it was proposed that this should be developed and shared to benefit all concerned.

The draft Framework covered intentions, the consultation/involvement/engagement and participation process and the benefits to be gained from it for both young people and the wider community. There was a need for a universal approach to be adopted using a participation strategic framework delivery model for all partners and a framework self‑assessment form to judge the appropriateness and value of the engagement process.

The need to acknowledge the tensions which could exist between differing age groups and some cultural boundaries between adults and young people in terms of engagement, participation and involvement in decision making was stressed. It was felt that the ‘ladder of participation’ outlined in the report which demonstrated the different levels of participation which could realistically take place was useful. It was felt that the Framework would be helpful in relation to the work of a number of work streams (eg the marketing and communication and transport work stream groups).


(i) to endorse the implementation of the Framework and embrace a cohesive approach towards participation throughout Cumbria;

(ii) to endorse the use of the participation framework self‑assessment form in order to provide direction and priority for partners in improving their current working practices.

11.year 11 learner survey report

The Board considered a paper which presented the findings of a comprehensive survey of 15/16 year old Year 11 students across Cumbria undertaken during 2008 and 2009. The value of the outcomes derived from the survey was being increasingly recognised and that the experiences of young people should be taken into consideration when making decisions which affected them. As an example of how such surveys could help gather useful data and help formulate future action reference was made to how they could provide useful data about the extent to which bullying takes place on school buses, how it should be addressed and in developing anti‑bullying training.

In terms of the future funding of such surveys the report indicated the need for £6k to cover the cost of printing, distribution, data processing and report production in 2010. Discussion would need to take place about how this could be met eg by an in kind approach by partner organisations.


(i) to commend the findings of the Year 11 learner survey report to locality planning groups for evaluation of their services and for inclusion in the planning of activity relating to the Children and Young People’s Plan;

(ii) that consideration be given to sustainable ways of undertaking such surveys in the future.

12.chairing of children’s trust – continuity and preparation for the new corporate director – children’s services

The Chair reitterated that formal responsibility for Children’s Trust matters rested with the Corporate Director – Children’s Services and appropriate portfolio holders. With the Corporate Director leaving her post in the summer there would be need to ensure some continuity during the transition period prior to the appointment of a new Corporate Director. There was also a need to bear in mind that a new Senior Directorate Team was currently being established. It was therefore proposed that the Corporate Director would step down as Chair of the Trust Board (probably after the April meeting) and that during the transition period Anne Burns, Cabinet Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Children’s Social Care would become Chair of the Board.

RESOLVED, to support the proposal that, in the interests of continuity, the Corporate Director vacate the Chair in favour of the Cabinet Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Children’s Social Care during the transition period until a new Corporate Director – Children’s Services took up post.

13.agenda planner

The Agenda Planner for the Children’s Trust Board had been previously circulated. Again it was acknowledged that the agenda for the next meeting was potentially a very heavy one and would require some amendment.

RESOLVED, that the Agenda Planner be noted. of next meeting

It was noted that the next meeting of the Board would be held on 1 April 2010 at The Courts, Carlisle commencing at 1.00 pm.

15.any other business

There were no further items of business to be considered on this occasion.

Michael Watmough and Vernon Watson to note

Helen Smith to note

Nicola Jackson

to circulate

Exiting work stream chairs to note

Moira Swann and Vernon Watson to note

Stephen Mason to note

Moira Swann to discuss with Kathy Wynne

Amy Holliman/

Nicola Jackson

to action

Further consideration be given to the ongoing remit of the transport work stream –

Moira Swann/

Nicola Jackson/

Kevin Douglas/

Amy Holliman to discuss

Group to follow this up with each organisations

John Swainston to refer to Mark Toomey in relation to existing anti‑bullying training for bus drivers etc

John Swainston to note and consider with Anne Burns and refer to the Participation Work Stream

Moira Swann/

Nicola Jackson and Nigel Faulkner to agree

The Meeting ended at 4.05 pm.

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Cumbria Kart Racing Club Sporting Regulations General 11

Tags: board minutes, the board, trust, meeting, children’s, board, cumbria, minutes