What are Scrum Task Boards? Learn the Methods & Tools



What are Scrum Task Boards?

The Task Board is perhaps the single most useful, and arguably most important, device that can be used on Agile projects, often described as an ‘information radiator’ because it gives out the information to everyone from a central location. A Task Board is the focal point of any Agile project and serves as a good place at which to hold the stand-up meeting or Scrum.

Typically, a Task Board displays only information pertinent to the current sprint and will be cleared off before the next sprint begins. There can be exceptions such as reminders, technical notes or other data that needs to be easily available and persists across iterations, although such information is not strictly part of the Task Board.

Task Board Placement

It is important that the Task Board be somewhere visible to as many team members as possible and always accessible to all; usually a large wall or window (be creative). Manager’s offices and conference rooms are not good locations as they are not always accessible. It is important that the every team member feel they share ownership of the Task Board; it is representative of the teamwork necessary to succeed and shows that each individual is responsible for that success (or even failure.)

Creating a Task Board

The surface area doesn’t really matter provided it is relatively large, that horizontal and vertical lines can be placed on it, and that notes of some kind can be attached. Almost all surfaces are suitable for some kind tape to create the lines, but the method of displaying notes or cards can vary by surface.

The information is displayed in a 2-dimensional matrix with rows representing User Stories and columns representing various status values, which should be, at a minimum:

The objective is immediate visibility of the status of all User Stories and what each person is working on. Other columns can be added, such as whether a task is being coded or tested, although it is important to avoid complexity or information overload. The simpler the information, the easier it is to see the overall picture at a glance. The choice really comes down to whatever the team as a whole finds useful.

Using Color-coded Notes

Cards or notes of different colors can be used to represent such things as new and urgent tasks (red perhaps?) or impediments (blue?). Another color might be used for notes representing team members, which can be given a personal touch by including each person’s photograph. Again, details and minor pieces of information should be avoided and kept elsewhere.

For an even greater benefit, two dedicated spaces can be allocated, one for the Burndown chart and one for the ‘done’ conditions. The Burndown chart should be on or near the Task Board because the two will be closely correlated (hopefully!) and the ‘done’ conditions help remind everyone what it really means to move a task into the ‘done’ column.

Other Benefits

Having a Task Board also helps give physical focus to software development which is inherently nonmaterial. People often respond to tactile interaction and physical presence more than they do to yet more information on computer monitors. Other uses vary from one team to another reflecting the team culture and character:

Software Task Boards

With a Task Board being a 2-dimensional matrix, it could be represented in a spreadsheet, but moving tasks around in a spreadsheet is neither sufficiently quick nor simple. There are software tools that help manage tasks or represent the Task Board and these can work well, especially for teams that are not co-located.

Figure 3: Task Board Board in SpiraPlan / SpiraTeam showing Status and Progress

One of the benefits of a software-based task board is that you can rearrange it to show different views in real-time (which would be a lot of work with physical boards). For example, in Scrum projects you often want to show the task board by user story or by person:

Figure 4: Task Board Board in SpiraPlan / SpiraTeam showing Progress by User Story

But it is not always the best way to start. A team with less Agile experience would do well to use a physical Task Board in parallel with any software tool to get the best from both worlds.

How do I Get Started?

To learn more about SpiraTeam and how it can improve your agile software development processes please:

January 2020

Tags: board is, task board, scrum, board, boards?