Immingham Town Council

Policy & Scrutiny Committee

Minutes of the meeting of the Policy & Scrutiny Committee held in the Civic Centre, Pelham Road, Immingham, at 6.00pm on 24th September 2011.


Chair: D Watson.

Members: R Ledgerwood, D Barton, M Cullum, N Castle,

B Duke (Substituting for S Swinburn)

Officer: D Jackson

Public: Mrs D Hinds Mr M Burton

86/11 Apologies:

S Swinburn

Resolved Apologies accepted

87/11 Declarations of Interest


88/11 Town Directory

Committee discussed the production of a town directory in response to a letter received from a gentleman who had produced one for Laceby.

Proposed: DB

Seconded: BD

Recommended That the committee does not wish to pursue a town directory at this stage.

89/11 Customer Access Point

Committee discussed the long awaited move for NELC’s customer service point into the Civic Centre. NELC cabinet will approve the report in November and ITC need to confirm that they are in agreement with it. A previous report had been submitted by the Clerk (DJ11/11) outlining the proposal. ITC will commit to the capital works subject to a final SLA being agreed. Maximum capital costs are to be fixed at £35k with break clauses in the agreement to cover any shortfall. Final arrangements will be brought back for committee approval but in the meantime the Clerk is seeking approval to get drawings and costs confirmed. (2 quotes) The expected maximum cost of £1000 will be funded from the Civic Centre Reserve.

Proposed: RL

Seconded: BD

Recommended That the quotations and drawings for the works are obtained up to the agreed maximum, and the planning application is submitted.

90/11 Grounds Maintenance

An agreement has been reached to transfer the grounds maintenance from NELC to ITC as per report ITC/DJ16/11. Officers from NELC will prepare the terms and conditions but in the meantime Committee discussed the need to make decisions on the facilities at Homestead Park.

There are two options:

1. Use temporary facilities via lockable steel containers at a cost of £1800 each. We would need two.

2. Make the alterations to the old toilet block as previously discussed. Cost approximately £18k, of which £6k is for roof repairs, which need to be made in any case. Funds will come from the special projects reserve and do not affect the precept.

Committee needs to agree to proceed to obtain the drawings and schedule of works (two quotes), and submit the planning application. Maximum cost should be £1k to come from the above capital reserve

Proposed: RL

Seconded: NC

Recommended That the quotations and drawings for the works are obtained up to the agreed maximum, and the planning application is submitted.

91/11 Asbestos Remedial Work:

Committee discussed the 3 quotations which had been obtained for the works on the boiler room at the civic centre.(As per asbestos survey) Three prices had been obtained

Proposed: NC

Seconded: MC

Recommended That Rhodar be given the work as per their estimate at a cost of £840

92/11 Photo Competition

Committee discussed whether to run the competition for the second year.

Proposed: NC

Seconded: MC

Recommended That the competition is staged for a second year and that every effort is made to promote it. Prizes to be the same as last year.

93/11 Finance Report

The Clerk produced report DJ19/11 outlining the financial progress to the end of September 2011. Committee commented that the progress of the Council had exceeded expectations, the finances continued to be in excellent order and the Clerk was to be thanked for his work. A Councillor commented that whilst he was very pleased that we are taking on more and more work we need to be mindful of the capacity of the Clerk and other staff. It was felt that the pressure to cut the precept further had now been lifted and residents could see the value for money. Restraint still needed to be shown though especially if NELC offered a 0% rise.

Proposed: RL

Seconded: WW

Resolved That the report is accepted.

PART 2: Private Session


It was then resolved that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following

Item(s) of business pursuant to Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to

Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public

Interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted on the

grounds of security matters.

94/11 Alarm System

Confidential Minute 3/11 refers.

There being no further business the meeting ended at 6.45pm.

Chair: ________________________ Date: ____________________

Tags: committee ===========================, 2011. committee, council, policy, committee, immingham, minutes, scrutiny