Building Stronger Communities

Sample Survey Questionnaire to Assess Community Strengths


Q1 Name of group

Q2 Address / phone number and email address

Q3 Main contact name and role (and address if different from above)

Q4 Please indicate below the main activities of the group (please circle)

Advice & information Advocacy

Arts and cultural activities Campaigning

Counselling Environmental activities

Housing advice and provision Play activities

Representing community needs and issues Community or Resource Centre

Social activities Self- help and support

Training / community learning Worship and religious education

Other (please specify)

Q5 Please indicate the main areas of interest of your group (please circle)

Animal welfare Criminal justice

Children and young people Community engagement & influence

Community ownership / management Disability

Employment Environment

Equalities Health & wellbeing

Housing Mental Health

Older people Poverty

Sport and recreation Transport

Other (Please specify) ____________________________

Q 6 Does your group provide activities / services for?

(a) All members of the community? If yes, please go to Q 8

(b) Only a specific target group in the community

(E.g. lone parents, older people, etc) If yes, please go to Q7

(c) Some services for all members of the

community and some for specific

target groups? If yes, please go to Q 7

Q7 If you provide services for specific groups of people in the community, please indicate below the main groups that you work with or provide services for: (please circle any that apply)

Carers Children

Ethnic minority groups

(please specify which ones)________________________

Families Lesbian & Gay

Homeless Low income groups

Lone parents Offenders / ex-offenders

People with learning disabilities People with physical disabilities

People with health difficulties (Please specify) ____________________

People with mental health difficulties

Substance users, e.g. alcohol / drugs Unemployed people

Victims of crime Volunteers

Women and girls Other (please specify)


Q8 In which geographical area does your group operate?

  1. Local authority areas

(please specify which LA areas)


  1. Whole of local authority area

(please circle)

  1. Whole of town or village

(please specify) __________________________________

  1. Local neighbourhood

(please specify)__________________________________

  1. Other geographical boundary (please specify)


This section is about the development of your group and problems you may be facing.

Q9 To what extent (if any) are the following issues a problem for the group in meeting its objectives?


Significant problem

Slight problem

Occasional problem

No problem

Don’t know

Involvement of wider community in the work of your organisation

Confidence and morale (belief in the possibility of change)

Effective leadership

Access to practical resources

Access to information your group needs

Networking with other similar groups

Developing plans for action and / or engagement


Q 10 Please describe some of your group’s main achievements over the last two years

Q 11 How many years has your group been active in the area?

Q 12 How many members does your group have that live in the area?

Q 13 How many of these are active members (i.e. key members who help to organiSe or run things)

Q 14 In an average week, what is the total number of voluntary hours provided by all your active members in the area? (i.e. the number of hours provided by each member active in the area added together)

Q 15 How many people, who live in the area use your group’s services in an average week? (Please note that your total for the week can include people who attend more than once)


Q 16 Is your group: (please circle more than one if appropriate)

  1. A community group / organisation without a constitution

  2. A community group / organisation with a constitution

  3. A limited company

  4. A registered charity

  5. A co-operative

  6. Trading as a community business / enterprise

  7. Other (please specify) ______________________________

Q 17 Does your group have a management committee? (Please circle)

(a) Yes please go to Q 18

(b) No Please go to Q 21

Q 18 Please indicate below if any of the following types of people have a majority of places on the management committee (please circle)

  1. Council officers

  2. Local councillors

  3. Users / members / volunteers

  4. Paid employees of the group

  5. Other professionals from other organisations / agencies (e.g. health professionals)

  6. Other (please specify)__________________________________

  7. No group has a majority

Q 19 How many people are on your management committee?

Q 20 On average, how many of these people attend management committee meetings?

Please now go to Q 22

Q 21 If there is no management committee, who has overall responsibility for running the group?

(a) Individual local resident

(b) More than one local resident (collective responsibility)

(c) Individual paid worker

(d) More than one paid worker

(e) Other (please specify) ______________________________


Q 22 Is the group currently funded from any of the following sources? (please circle all that apply)

  1. Scottish Government

  2. Local community planning partnership

  3. Local Council – grant

  4. Local Council - contract

  5. BIG Lottery

  6. European funding

  7. Children in Need

  8. Comic Relief

  9. Private company

  10. Charities / grant making trusts

  11. Membership subscriptions

  12. Revenue from trading

  13. Other sources of income (please specify) ______________________________________

Q 23 For each source given in Q 22, please state for how long the funding is allocated?

Q 24 What is the group’s approximate income this financial year?

  1. Less than £1000

  2. £1000 - £9999

  3. £10000 - £19999

  4. £20000 - £49999

  5. £50000 - £99999

  6. £ 100000 and over

Q 25 Does the group employ any paid workers?

(a) Yes Please go to Q 26

(b) No Please go to Q 27

Q 26 Please indicate the number of paid full-time, part-time and session based workers employed by your organisation?

  1. Total number of paid employees ___________

  2. Total number of full-time ___________

  3. Number of part-time ___________

  4. Number of sessional staff _________

Q 27 What arrangements for using premises does the group have?

(please circle)

  1. Ownership of a building

  2. Shared ownership of a building

  3. Renting a building

  4. Free use of building

  5. Use of building, but with let charges

  6. Only able to meet at a members home or public place

  7. Other (please specify)___________________________

Q 28 What level of satisfaction does your group have with its arrangements for using premises? (Please circle)

(a) High satisfaction

(b) Medium satisfaction

(c) Low satisfaction

Q 29 Are the premises that you use wheelchair accessible? (please circle)

  1. Yes all premises used

  2. Yes some of the premises used

  3. No none of the premises used

  4. Don’t know

Q 30 Does the building you use have wheelchair accessible toilets

(please circle)

(a) Yes

(b) No

Q 31 To what extent (if any) is access to the following resources a problem for the group / organisation in meeting its objectives?


Significant problem

Slight problem

Occasional problem

No problem

Don’t know

Meeting space







Internet access


Q 32 Does your group receive any support which helps to build your organisation? (please circle)

(a) Yes Please go to Q 33

(b) No Please go to Q 35

Q 33 What is the name of the organisation / agency from whom you receive support?


Q 34 Please describe the type and level of support you receive for the various aspects of your organisational development?

(please tick all that are relevant)

Type of support

Assistance with all aspects of organisational development

Helping group to identify and prioritise needs, issues, concerns and aims

Assistance with developing aims and objectives which reflect community need

Assistance with the development of action plans to achieve the group’s aims

Assistance with reviewing impact of action towards achieving the groups aims

Undertaking background research on local issues on behalf of group

Assistance with analysing issues, contexts and policies

Support to officer bearers out-with normal meetings

Advice and guidance throughout business meetings, in response to your group’s needs

Assistance with financial organisation

Assistance with ‘governance’ issues, e.g. constitutions, etc

Provision of information relevant to the aims / issues / activities of the group

Provision of general information

Helping group to engage with decision makers and service providers

Helping group to be sustainable and answerable to wider community / service users / members

Helping group to develop their skills, confidence and knowledge

Helping group to network with other similar organisations


Q 35 How does your group plan its future work?

Q 36 Does your group have an action or business plan?

(a) Yes please go to Q 37

(b) No Please go to Q 38

Q 37 How many years does the current action or business plan cover? (please circle)

(a) Less than one year

(b) One to five years

(c) Over five years


This section is about the way your group gets help to develop the skills, confidence and knowledge of the group’s members.

Q 38 Please think about the skills and experience of the active members of your group, excluding paid staff. Below is a list of skill areas which community and voluntary groups often require in order to meet their aims effectively For each of the skill areas listed please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement:

The skills and experience of our active members fully meet the needs of the organisation in the following skill areas.”

Skill area

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Don’t know

Not applicable

Assessing needs

Analysing information

Communication (within and between organisations and with public agencies)


Planning activities

Book-keeping and accounts

Publicity – producing leaflets, newsletters, etc

Working as a team

Giving presentations

Computer skills

Media skills

Assessing and monitoring group’ work

Management skills

Working in partnership with others

Q 39 Over the last year, has your group received any training?

  1. No

  2. Yes (please describe below)

Level of satisfaction (please tick one box)

Group members

What training

Where from





Management committee

Whole group

Office bearers (Chairperson, treasurer, etc)


Other (please specify)

Q 40 Which of the following are important to you in taking up training?

Volunteers and active members

Committee members

Paid staff

Local venue

Accessible venue

Daytime sessions

Evening sessions


Use of community languages

Content tailor made for group’s needs

No cost

Low cost

Time off for training

Leads to a qualification

Participative style of training

Know the trainer already

Q 41 Has your group been involved in developing your members’ skills through any other kind of activity (please circle any that apply)

  1. Developing skills through planning and evaluating action, activities and engagement

  2. Network with other groups to share knowledge, skills and experience

  3. Mentoring schemes from members of group

  4. Sharing skills through joint working

  5. Organising visits or exchanges to groups/ centres / projects

  6. Reading books on practical skills for groups

  7. Secondments from other organisations to groups

  8. Other (please describe)__________________________

Q 42 Would you be interested in getting help with identifying your group’s training or support needs? (Please circle)

  1. Yes

  2. No


These questions are about the group getting advice and guidance from outside organisations that help it to be better organised.

Q 43 Over the last year, has the group had any specialist advice?

(please circle any that apply)

(a) Management issues – e.g. employment legislation, health and safety, etc

(b) Funding advice – e.g. sources of funding & how to apply

(c) Managing money – budget planning and monitoring

(d) Policy – implications of policy directives / developments

(e) Governance structures – legal advice

(f) Planning legislation

(f) Other (please describe)______________________

Q 44 Over the last year has the group needed specialist advice and not been able to get it? (please circle)

(a) Yes

(b) No

Q 45 If yes, why was this? (please describe)


This section is about ways in which your group is trying to help to build equality within your group and in communities.

Q 46 Regarding equal opportunities, does your group have: (please circle)

  1. A written equal opportunities policy?

  2. A statement of equality within its constitution?

  3. Neither of these

Q 47 Please describe how the group is implementing equal opportunities ?

(please circle all that apply)

(a) Break down barriers to participation

(b) Provide practical resources to ensure broad involvement

(c) Activity encourage participation

(d) Ensuring that diversity is recognised and reflected in the work of the group

(e) Other (please describe)_________________________________

Q 48 Please describe any ways in which this is being monitored.

Q 49 Please indicate any other ways in which your group is taking any action to challenge discrimination: (please circle all that apply)

(a) Awareness raising events

(b) Running campaigns

(c) Providing translators / interpreters

(d) Funding equal opportunity initiatives

(e) Other (please describe)

Q 50 Do you get any support from other organisations and agencies for your work on equal opportunities? (please circle)

(a) Yes please go to Q 51

(b) No please go to Q 52

Q 51 In general, how satisfied are you with the quality of support you receive on equal opportunities?

  1. Very satisfied

  2. Satisfied

  3. Neither satisfied or dissatisfied

  4. Dissatisfied

  5. Very dissatisfied

  6. Don’t know

Q 52 Do you need support or advice on equal opportunities issues but do not know how to get it?

(a) Yes

(b) No


This section is about the way in which your group involves people and relates with other groups and agencies.

Q 53 Please indicate below the ways in which your group is accountable to your community and / or users: (please circle all that apply)

  1. Annual election of representatives

  2. High level of active members within group

  3. High level of involvement of wider community

  4. Transparent and accessible operating policies and procedures

  5. The actions of group reflect the needs of their community / users

  6. Systematic approaches in place to for feeding back to communities / users

  7. Group is recognised by the wider community as the representative voice

  8. Group is recognised by users as an organisation which meets their needs

Q 53 What approaches does the group use to find out the needs of the local community and / or users: (please circle all that apply)

  1. Consultation meetings

  2. Outreach work

  3. Questionnaires

  4. Other (please describe)_______________________________

Q 54 Has the group been involved in joint work over the last year with any of the following (e.g. jointly running a campaign / festival / organisation or training or new projects, etc)?

(please circle all that apply)

(a) With the Council

(b) With other statutory agency (e.g. health authority)

(c) Other (please specify)____________________________

Q 55 Is the group a member of any formal networks?

(a) Yes please go to Q 56

(b) No please go to Q 61

Q 56 Please list the formal networks that your group belongs to.

Q 57 Of those networks listed, which one is most benefit to your work in the area?

Q 58 Please indicate how effective the network is in carrying out the following roles. (please circle one number for each role on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 = Not effective at all and 10 = Highly effective)

(a) Exchange of information 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(b) Co-ordination of activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(c) Exchange of skills and learning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(d) Giving support and confidence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(e) Representing members in

consultation /partnership 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(f) Developing a sense of common purpose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Q 59 Please describe any other roles that you think the networks should have to support the work of your group.

Q 60 Please describe any barriers to your group’s fuller participation in this network.

Q 61 How are you supported in getting involved in links with other community groups?

Q 62 Please give the names and addresses of any other locally-based community groups that you know of?

Q 63 Are there any general points or comment you would like to make?

For further information on this survey, assistance to fill it on, or details of how we will feedback the results of the survey, please contact…..


Building Community Strengths: Sample Survey Questionnaire to Assess Community Strengths 4


Tags: assess community, to assess, assess, survey, questionnaire, sample, community, building, stronger, communities