

e57fields – print information and statistics on usage of each field name in an E57 format file.


e57fields <e57_file> [start_path]


The e57fields program prints several tables that summarize every occurrence of a field name in an E57 format file. The contents of an E57 file are conceptually organized in a single hierarchy, with three types of branching (or non-terminal) element types (Structure, Vector, and CompressedVector) and five types of non-branching (or terminal) element types (Integer, ScaledInteger, Float, String, and Blob). Associated with some element types are E57 element attributes which are scalar numbers that describe properties of the element or limits on the values that the element may take. Each element in the tree has a field name, which is a string or number that uniquely identifies the element in the branching element (the parent) that contains it. The sub-elements of a branching element are called children. The top-level element in the hierarchy is called the root, and is the only element in the tree with no parent element that contains it. Each element in the tree has a pathname, which is a string that uniquely identifies the element within the tree. The pathname is the concatenation of the field names of the elements that must be traversed to reach the element from the root. The root’s pathname is defined as “/”.

In this program, elements that are children of a CompressedVector (whose values are stored in the binary section of the file) are treated the same as uncompressed elements (whose values are stored in the XML section of the file).

If a start_path is specified, only the E57 element with that pathname and all of its children recursively are summarized.

The meaning of each table is described below.


e57fields scan0001.e57

e57fields scan0001.e57 /data3D/0/points


- Specifying a start_path of an element within a CompressedVector (e.g. “/images2D/0/points/0”) is not supported.

Field usage table

This is probably the most useful table (and the widest). Each line summarizes the occurrences of elements with a given field name.

Field usage:


minima maxima

count field name element type measure minimum mean maximum count count first occurrence

========== =========================== ================ ========== ============ ============ ============ ========== ========== =================================

1 / Structure childCount 7 7 7 1 1 /

12 <0,1,2...> Structure childCount 6 12.667 16 1 1 /data3D/0

1 basicPinholeProjection Structure childCount 7 7 7 1 1 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection

1 cartesianBounds Structure childCount 6 6 6 1 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds

10 cartesianX Float value 1 5.5 10 1 1 /data3D/0/points/0/cartesianX

10 cartesianY Float value 1.1 5.6 10.1 1 1 /data3D/0/points/0/cartesianY

10 cartesianZ Float value 1.2 5.69 10.2 1 1 /data3D/0/points/0/cartesianZ

1 collectionEndDateTime Float value 1235 1235 1235 1 1 /data3D/0/collectionEndDateTime

1 collectionStartDateTime Float value 1234 1234 1234 1 1 /data3D/0/collectionStartDateTime

10 colorBlue Float value 0.1 0.55 1 1 1 /data3D/0/points/0/colorBlue

10 colorGreen Float value 0.5 0.5 0.5 10 10 /data3D/0/points/0/colorGreen

10 colorRed Float value 0.1 1.09 6 1 1 /data3D/0/points/0/colorRed

10 columnIndex Integer value 0 2 4 2 2 /data3D/0/points/0/columnIndex

1 coordinateMetadata Structure childCount 0 0 0 1 1 /coordinateMetadata

2 creationDateTime Float value 123.46 222.29 321.12 1 1 /creationDateTime

2 description String length 13 14.5 16 1 1 /data3D/0/description

1 firmwareVersion String length 6 6 6 1 1 /data3D/0/firmwareVersion

1 focalLength Float value 1 1 1 1 1 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/focalLength

1 formatName String length 22 22 22 1 1 /formatName

1 guid String length 36 36 36 1 1 /data3D/0/guid

1 hardwareVersion String length 5 5 5 1 1 /data3D/0/hardwareVersion

1 imageHeight Integer value 1024 1024 1024 1 1 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/imageHeight

1 imageWidth Integer value 1024 1024 1024 1 1 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/imageWidth

1 images2D Vector childCount 1 1 1 1 1 /images2D

1 data3D Vector childCount 1 1 1 1 1 /data3D

10 intensity Integer value 1 1.8 3 4 2 /data3D/0/points/0/intensity

1 jpegImage Blob length 10 10 10 1 1 /images2D/0/jpegImage

1 majorVersion Integer value 0 0 0 1 1 /majorVersion

1 minorVersion Integer value 2 2 2 1 1 /minorVersion

2 name String length 6 8 10 1 1 /data3D/0/name

1 pixelHeight Float value 0.001 0.001 0.001 1 1 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/pixelHeight

1 pixelWidth Float value 0.001 0.001 0.001 1 1 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/pixelWidth

1 points CompressedVector childCount 10 10 10 1 1 /data3D/0/points

2 pose Structure childCount 2 2 2 2 2 /data3D/0/pose

1 principalPointX Float value 512 512 512 1 1 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/principalPointX

1 principalPointY Float value 512 512 512 1 1 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/principalPointY

1 relativeHumidity Float value 40 40 40 1 1 /data3D/0/relativeHumidity

10 returnCount Integer value 1 1 1 10 10 /data3D/0/points/0/returnCount

10 returnIndex Integer value 0 0 0 10 10 /data3D/0/points/0/returnIndex

2 rotation Structure childCount 4 4 4 2 2 /data3D/0/pose/rotation

10 rowIndex Integer value 0 0.5 1 5 5 /data3D/0/points/0/rowIndex

1 sensorModel String length 14 14 14 1 1 /data3D/0/sensorModel

1 sensorVendor String length 7 7 7 1 1 /data3D/0/sensorVendor

1 serialNumber String length 7 7 7 1 1 /data3D/0/serialNumber

1 softwareVersion String length 6 6 6 1 1 /data3D/0/softwareVersion

1 temperature Float value 20 20 20 1 1 /data3D/0/temperature

10 timeStamp Float value 0.1 0.55 1 1 1 /data3D/0/points/0/timeStamp

2 translation Structure childCount 3 3 3 2 2 /data3D/0/pose/translation

10 valid Integer value 1 1 1 10 10 /data3D/0/points/0/valid

2 w Float value 1 1 1 2 2 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/w

4 x Float value 0 0 0 4 4 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/x

1 xMaximum Float value 1 1 1 1 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/xMaximum

1 xMinimum Float value 0 0 0 1 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/xMinimum

4 y Float value 0 0 0 4 4 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/y

1 yMaximum Float value 1 1 1 1 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/yMaximum

1 yMinimum Float value 0 0 0 1 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/yMinimum

4 z Float value 0 0 0 4 4 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/z

1 zMaximum Float value 1 1 1 1 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/zMaximum

1 zMinimum Float value 0 0 0 1 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/zMinimum


203 Total

Column definitions:

count: The number of elements in the file with the given field name. At the bottom of this column is a grand total of the number of elements in the entire file.

field name: The field name that is being summarized. The field name of the root element is defined as “/”. All children of Vectors and CompressedVectors (whose field names are zero based integers) are grouped onto a single line under the field name: “<0,1,2...>”. The field names are arranged alphabetically in the table.

element type: One of the eight E57 element types: Structure, Vector, and CompressedVector, Integer, ScaledInteger, Float, String, and Blob.

measure: Each element type has numeric measure that is statistically summarized on the line. The measure of Structure, Vector, and CompressedVector element types is childCount, the number of direct children that the branching element contains. Integer, ScaledInteger, and Float element types are summarized by the value they contain. The String element type is summarized by the length of the string value it contains. The Blob element type is summarized by the length in bytes of the object it stores.

minimum: The smallest value of the measure in any occurrences of the field name.

mean: The average of the measure for all occurrences of the field name.

maximum: The largest value of the measure in any occurrences of the field name.

minima count: The number of times that the minimum value occurred with the field name.

maxima count: The number of times that the maximum value occurred with the field name.

first occurrence: The path name of the first occurrence of the field name that was encountered as the file was traversed. This provides some context of where the field is used.

E57 type usage table

This table summarizes the occurrences of each of the eight E57 element types in the file.

E57 type usage:


minima maxima

count element type measure minimum mean maximum count count

========== ================ ========== ============ ============ ============ ========== ==========

1 Blob length 10 10 10 1 1

1 CompressedVector childCount 10 10 10 1 1

101 Float value 0 41.568 1235 15 1

64 Integer value 0 33.016 1024 18 2

12 String length 5 12.333 36 1 1

22 Structure childCount 0 8.6364 16 1 1

2 Vector childCount 1 1 1 2 2


203 Total

Column definitions:

count: The number of elements in the file with the given element type. At the bottom of this column is a grand total of the number of elements in the entire file.

element type: One of the eight E57 element types: Structure, Vector, and CompressedVector, Integer, ScaledInteger, Float, String, and Blob.

measure: Each element type has numeric measure that is statistically summarized on the line. The measure of Structure, Vector, and CompressedVector element types is childCount, the number of direct children that the branching element contains. Integer, ScaledInteger, and Float element types are summarized by the value they contain. The String element type is summarized by the length of the string value it contains. The Blob element type is summarized by the length in bytes of the object it stores.

minimum: The smallest value of the measure in any occurrences of the element type.

mean: The average of the measure for all occurrences of the element type.

maximum: The largest value of the measure in any occurrences of the element type.

minima count: The number of times that the minimum value occurred with the element type.

maxima count: The number of times that the maximum value occurred with the element type.

Field and distinct type usage table

This table summarizes the number of occurrences of field names and distinct element types. Distinct types are E57 element types including the values of the element attributes. For example, an Integer type with attributes of (min=0,max=255 is distinct from an Integer with attributes of (min=0,max=511).

This table is useful in determining the encoding of CompressedVector fields. Note that when a number of bits is given in the distinct type column, it is the space required for the Bitpack codec. A codec that compresses the values may be much more efficient than the Bitpack codec.

Field and distinct type usage:


count field name distinct type first occurrence

========== =========================== =================================== =======================================

1 / Structure /

12 <0,1,2...> Structure /data3D/0

1 basicPinholeProjection Structure /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection

1 cartesianBounds Structure /data3D/0/cartesianBounds

10 cartesianX Float(precision=single) /data3D/0/points/0/cartesianX

10 cartesianY Float(precision=single) /data3D/0/points/0/cartesianY

10 cartesianZ Float(precision=single) /data3D/0/points/0/cartesianZ

1 collectionEndDateTime Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/collectionEndDateTime

1 collectionStartDateTime Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/collectionStartDateTime

10 colorBlue Float(precision=single) /data3D/0/points/0/colorBlue

10 colorGreen Float(precision=single) /data3D/0/points/0/colorGreen

10 colorRed Float(precision=single) /data3D/0/points/0/colorRed

10 columnIndex Integer(int64) /data3D/0/points/0/columnIndex

1 coordinateMetadata Structure /coordinateMetadata

2 creationDateTime Float(precision=double) /creationDateTime

2 description String /data3D/0/description

1 firmwareVersion String /data3D/0/firmwareVersion

1 focalLength Float(precision=double) /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/focalLength

1 formatName String /formatName

1 guid String /data3D/0/guid

1 hardwareVersion String /data3D/0/hardwareVersion

1 imageHeight Integer(int64) /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/imageHeight

1 imageWidth Integer(int64) /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/imageWidth

1 images2D Vector(heterogeneous) /images2D

1 data3D Vector(heterogeneous) /data3D

10 intensity Integer(int64) /data3D/0/points/0/intensity

1 jpegImage Blob /images2D/0/jpegImage

1 majorVersion Integer(int64) /majorVersion

1 minorVersion Integer(int64) /minorVersion

2 name String /data3D/0/name

1 pixelHeight Float(precision=double) /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/pixelHeight

1 pixelWidth Float(precision=double) /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/pixelWidth

1 points CompressedVector /data3D/0/points

2 pose Structure /data3D/0/pose

1 principalPointX Float(precision=double) /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/principalPointX

1 principalPointY Float(precision=double) /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/principalPointY

1 relativeHumidity Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/relativeHumidity

10 returnCount Integer(int64) /data3D/0/points/0/returnCount

10 returnIndex Integer(int64) /data3D/0/points/0/returnIndex

2 rotation Structure /data3D/0/pose/rotation

10 rowIndex Integer(int64) /data3D/0/points/0/rowIndex

1 sensorModel String /data3D/0/sensorModel

1 sensorVendor String /data3D/0/sensorVendor

1 serialNumber String /data3D/0/serialNumber

1 softwareVersion String /data3D/0/softwareVersion

1 temperature Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/temperature

10 timeStamp Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/points/0/timeStamp

2 translation Structure /data3D/0/pose/translation

10 valid Integer(uint1) /data3D/0/points/0/valid

2 w Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/pose/rotation/w

4 x Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/pose/rotation/x

1 xMaximum Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/xMaximum

1 xMinimum Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/xMinimum

4 y Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/pose/rotation/y

1 yMaximum Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/yMaximum

1 yMinimum Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/yMinimum

4 z Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/pose/rotation/z

1 zMaximum Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/zMaximum

1 zMinimum Float(precision=double) /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/zMinimum==========


203 Total

Column definitions:

count: The number of elements in the file with the given field name and distinct type. At the bottom of this column is a grand total of the number of elements in the entire file.

field name: The field name that is being summarized. The field name of the root element is defined as “/”. All children of Vectors and CompressedVectors (whose field names are zero based integers) are grouped onto a single line under the field name: “<0,1,2...>”. The field names are arranged alphabetically in the table.

distinct type: A combination of one of the eight E57 element types (Structure, Vector, and CompressedVector, Integer, ScaledInteger, Float, String, Blob) with the value of the E57 element attributes. The distinct type may be in one of the following forms:


Vector(heterogeneous) – child elements can be different types

Vector(homogenous) – child elements must be same types recursively.


Integer(min=MIN,max=MAX) – an integer within interval MINMAX

Integer(intN) – an integer whose bounds correspond exactly to a signed N bit integer.

Integer(uintN) – an integer whose bounds correspond exactly to a unsigned N bit integer.

Integer(constant=CONST) – an integer whose min and max bounds are the same.

ScaledInteger(min=MIN,max=MAX, scale=SCALE,offset=OFFSET)

ScaledInteger(intN, scale=SCALE,offset=OFFSET)

ScaledInteger(uintN, scale=SCALE,offset=OFFSET)

ScaledInteger(constant=CONST, scale=SCALE,offset=OFFSET)

Float(precision=single) – a 32 bit IEEE floating point value.

Float(precision=double) – a 64 bit IEEE floating point value.



first occurrence: The path name of the first occurrence of the field name with the distinct type as the file was traversed. This provides some context of where the field is used.

Extremum locations table

This table allows the location of extreme values to be pinpointed. Occurrences of special floating point values are also listed (e.g. NaN and denormals).

Extremum locations:


count field name element type extremum value first occurrence

========== =========================== ================ =============== ============ =======================================

1 / Structure min childCount 7 /

1 / Structure max childCount 7 /

1 <0,1,2...> Structure min childCount 6 /images2D/0

1 <0,1,2...> Structure max childCount 16 /data3D/0

1 basicPinholeProjection Structure min childCount 7 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection

1 basicPinholeProjection Structure max childCount 7 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection

1 cartesianBounds Structure min childCount 6 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds

1 cartesianBounds Structure max childCount 6 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds

1 cartesianX Float min value 1 /data3D/0/points/0/cartesianX

1 cartesianX Float max value 10 /data3D/0/points/9/cartesianX

1 cartesianY Float min value 1.1 /data3D/0/points/0/cartesianY

1 cartesianY Float max value 10.1 /data3D/0/points/9/cartesianY

1 cartesianZ Float min value 1.2 /data3D/0/points/0/cartesianZ

1 cartesianZ Float max value 10.2 /data3D/0/points/9/cartesianZ

1 collectionEndDateTime Float min value 1235 /data3D/0/collectionEndDateTime

1 collectionEndDateTime Float max value 1235 /data3D/0/collectionEndDateTime

1 collectionStartDateTime Float min value 1234 /data3D/0/collectionStartDateTime

1 collectionStartDateTime Float max value 1234 /data3D/0/collectionStartDateTime

1 colorBlue Float min value 0.1 /data3D/0/points/9/colorBlue

1 colorBlue Float max value 1 /data3D/0/points/0/colorBlue

10 colorGreen Float min value 0.5 /data3D/0/points/0/colorGreen

10 colorGreen Float max value 0.5 /data3D/0/points/0/colorGreen

1 colorRed Float min value 0.1 /data3D/0/points/0/colorRed

1 colorRed Float max value 6 /data3D/0/points/5/colorRed

2 columnIndex Integer min value 0 /data3D/0/points/0/columnIndex

2 columnIndex Integer max value 4 /data3D/0/points/8/columnIndex

2 columnIndex Integer zero value 0 /data3D/0/points/0/columnIndex

1 coordinateMetadata Structure min childCount 0 /coordinateMetadata

1 coordinateMetadata Structure max childCount 0 /coordinateMetadata

1 coordinateMetadata Structure zero childCount 0 /coordinateMetadata

1 creationDateTime Float min value 123.46 /creationDateTime

1 creationDateTime Float max value 321.12 /images2D/0/creationDateTime

1 description String min length 13 /images2D/0/description

1 description String max length 16 /data3D/0/description

1 firmwareVersion String min length 6 /data3D/0/firmwareVersion

1 firmwareVersion String max length 6 /data3D/0/firmwareVersion

1 focalLength Float min value 1 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/focalLength

1 focalLength Float max value 1 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/focalLength

1 formatName String min length 22 /formatName

1 formatName String max length 22 /formatName

1 guid String min length 36 /data3D/0/guid

1 guid String max length 36 /data3D/0/guid

1 hardwareVersion String min length 5 /data3D/0/hardwareVersion

1 hardwareVersion String max length 5 /data3D/0/hardwareVersion

1 imageHeight Integer min value 1024 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/imageHeight

1 imageHeight Integer max value 1024 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/imageHeight

1 imageWidth Integer min value 1024 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/imageWidth

1 imageWidth Integer max value 1024 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/imageWidth

1 images2D Vector min childCount 1 /images2D

1 images2D Vector max childCount 1 /images2D

1 data3D Vector min childCount 1 /data3D

1 data3D Vector max childCount 1 /data3D

4 intensity Integer min value 1 /data3D/0/points/0/intensity

2 intensity Integer max value 3 /data3D/0/points/2/intensity

1 jpegImage Blob min length 10 /images2D/0/jpegImage

1 jpegImage Blob max length 10 /images2D/0/jpegImage

1 majorVersion Integer min value 0 /majorVersion

1 majorVersion Integer max value 0 /majorVersion

1 majorVersion Integer zero value 0 /majorVersion

1 minorVersion Integer min value 2 /minorVersion

1 minorVersion Integer max value 2 /minorVersion

1 name String min length 6 /images2D/0/name

1 name String max length 10 /data3D/0/name

1 pixelHeight Float min value 0.001 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/pixelHeight

1 pixelHeight Float max value 0.001 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/pixelHeight

1 pixelWidth Float min value 0.001 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/pixelWidth

1 pixelWidth Float max value 0.001 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/pixelWidth

1 points CompressedVector min childCount 10 /data3D/0/points

1 points CompressedVector max childCount 10 /data3D/0/points

2 pose Structure min childCount 2 /data3D/0/pose

2 pose Structure max childCount 2 /data3D/0/pose

1 principalPointX Float min value 512 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/principalPointX

1 principalPointX Float max value 512 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/principalPointX

1 principalPointY Float min value 512 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/principalPointY

1 principalPointY Float max value 512 /images2D/0/basicPinholeProjection/principalPointY

1 relativeHumidity Float min value 40 /data3D/0/relativeHumidity

1 relativeHumidity Float max value 40 /data3D/0/relativeHumidity

10 returnCount Integer min value 1 /data3D/0/points/0/returnCount

10 returnCount Integer max value 1 /data3D/0/points/0/returnCount

10 returnIndex Integer min value 0 /data3D/0/points/0/returnIndex

10 returnIndex Integer max value 0 /data3D/0/points/0/returnIndex

10 returnIndex Integer zero value 0 /data3D/0/points/0/returnIndex

2 rotation Structure min childCount 4 /data3D/0/pose/rotation

2 rotation Structure max childCount 4 /data3D/0/pose/rotation

5 rowIndex Integer min value 0 /data3D/0/points/0/rowIndex

5 rowIndex Integer max value 1 /data3D/0/points/1/rowIndex

5 rowIndex Integer zero value 0 /data3D/0/points/0/rowIndex

1 sensorModel String min length 14 /data3D/0/sensorModel

1 sensorModel String max length 14 /data3D/0/sensorModel

1 sensorVendor String min length 7 /data3D/0/sensorVendor

1 sensorVendor String max length 7 /data3D/0/sensorVendor

1 serialNumber String min length 7 /data3D/0/serialNumber

1 serialNumber String max length 7 /data3D/0/serialNumber

1 softwareVersion String min length 6 /data3D/0/softwareVersion

1 softwareVersion String max length 6 /data3D/0/softwareVersion

1 temperature Float min value 20 /data3D/0/temperature

1 temperature Float max value 20 /data3D/0/temperature

1 timeStamp Float min value 0.1 /data3D/0/points/0/timeStamp

1 timeStamp Float max value 1 /data3D/0/points/9/timeStamp

2 translation Structure min childCount 3 /data3D/0/pose/translation

2 translation Structure max childCount 3 /data3D/0/pose/translation

10 valid Integer min value 1 /data3D/0/points/0/valid

10 valid Integer max value 1 /data3D/0/points/0/valid

2 w Float min value 1 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/w

2 w Float max value 1 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/w

4 x Float min value 0 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/x

4 x Float max value 0 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/x

4 x Float zero value 0 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/x

1 xMaximum Float min value 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/xMaximum

1 xMaximum Float max value 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/xMaximum

1 xMinimum Float min value 0 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/xMinimum

1 xMinimum Float max value 0 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/xMinimum

1 xMinimum Float zero value 0 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/xMinimum

4 y Float min value 0 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/y

4 y Float max value 0 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/y

4 y Float zero value 0 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/y

1 yMaximum Float min value 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/yMaximum

1 yMaximum Float max value 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/yMaximum

1 yMinimum Float min value 0 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/yMinimum

1 yMinimum Float max value 0 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/yMinimum

1 yMinimum Float zero value 0 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/yMinimum

4 z Float min value 0 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/z

4 z Float max value 0 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/z

4 z Float zero value 0 /data3D/0/pose/rotation/z

1 zMaximum Float min value 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/zMaximum

1 zMaximum Float max value 1 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/zMaximum

1 zMinimum Float min value 0 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/zMinimum

1 zMinimum Float max value 0 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/zMinimum

1 zMinimum Float zero value 0 /data3D/0/cartesianBounds/zMinimum

Column definitions:


field name:

element type:



first occurrence:

count: The number of elements in the file with the given field name and extreme value.

field name: The field name that is being summarized. The field name of the root element is defined as “/”. All children of Vectors and CompressedVectors (whose field names are zero based integers) are grouped onto a single line under the field name: “<0,1,2...>”. The field names are arranged alphabetically in the table.

element type: One of the eight E57 element types: Structure, Vector, and CompressedVector, Integer, ScaledInteger, Float, String, and Blob.

extremum: What type of extreme is being summarized. May be one of the following options:

min childCount

max childCount

zero childCount

min length

max length

zero length

min value

max value

zero value

qNan value – a quiet NaN (not-a-number) floating point value was encountered

sNan value – a signalling NaN (not-a-number) floating point value was encountered

inf value – a infinite (positive or negative) floating point value was encountered

denormal value – a denormalized (non-standard) floating point value was encountered

-0 value – a negative zero floating point value was encountered

value: The extreme value that occurred with the given field name.

first occurrence: The path name of the first occurrence of the field name and extreme value as the file was traversed.


Tags: e57fields –, scan0001.e57 e57fields, print, information, statistics, e57fields