Dr. Anna Filigenzi



  1. A. Filigenzi (2015; ISBN 978-3-7001-7241-3)

Art and Landscape. Buddhist Rock Sculptures of Late Antique Swat/Uḍḍiyāna. With contributions by L.M. Olivieri and P. Rockwell (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Denkschriften, 462. Band). Wien.

Open access: http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/7241-3?frames=yes

  1. A. Filigenzi (2014; ISBN 9787532574759)

(with D. Faccenna) Jiantuoluo shike shuyu fenlei huibian—Yi Yidali yafei yanjiuyuan Bajisitan Siwate kaogu xiangmu suochu ziliao wei jichu [Repertory of Terms For Cataloguing Gandharan Sculptures—Based on Materials From the IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Swat. Pakistan]. Shanghai Classics Publishing House.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2012; ISBN 978-88-6680-034-7)

Le immagini epifaniche nell’arte buddhistica del Gandhāra. Studio sulle triadi e su alcune iconografie affini. Bologna.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2007; ISBN 88-85320-47-3)

(with D. Faccenna) Repertorio terminologico per la schedatura delle sculture dell’arte gandharica sulla base dei materiali provenienti dagli scavi della Missione Archeologica dell’IsIAO nello Swat (Pakistan)/ Repertory of terms for cataloguing Gandharan sculptures : based on materials from the IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Swat, Pakistan (IsIAO Reports and Memoirs), Rome.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1999; ISBN 978-88-85320-96-3)

Il Bodhisattva Maitreya nell’arte rupestre dello Swat. Appunti sull’iconografia e sul culto del Buddha venturo (Conferenze IsIAO), Roma 1999.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1992)

(with P. Callieri, P. Brocato, M. Nascari, L.M. Olivieri) Bīr-koṭ-ghwaṇḍai 1990-1992: A Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Italian Archaeological Mission (Trench BKG 2, pp. 37-48), IsMEO, Suppl. n. 73 degli Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli.


  1. A. Filigenzi (2015)

(with P. Callieri, L.M. Olivieri [eds.] and G. Vignato and Wang Qian [eds. and transls.] At the origins of Gandharan Art. Shanghai Classics Publishing House, 2015 (卡列宁,菲利真齐,奥里威利著[Ka Liening, Feiligenqi, Aoliweili];魏正中,王倩编译[Wei Zhengzhong, Wang Qian] ed. and transl. Jiantuoluo Yishu Tanyuan《犍陀罗艺术探源》[At the origin of Gandharan Art]. 上海古籍出版社 [Shanghai Guji Chubanshe], 2015. ISBN 978-7-5325-7786-6

  1. A. Filigenzi (2009)

(with Roberta Giunta) The IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan 1957 – 2007. Fifty Years of Research in the Heart of Eurasia. Proceedings of the symposium held in the Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Rome, January 8th 2008. Rome.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2005)

(with P. Callieri) East and West 55 (1-4), 2005 [2006] Maurizio Taddei Memorial Volume.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2003)

(with G. Verardi) M. Taddei, On Gandhāra, Napoli.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

(with P. Callieri) Il Maestro di Saidu Sharif. Alle origini dell’arte del Gandhara (catalogo della mostra). Roma.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1997)

(with P. Callieri) G. Tucci, On Swāt. Historical and Archaeological Notes. Rome.


  1. A. Filigenzi (2017)

Walled Sacred Spaces: The Myth of Yima in the Religious Imagery of Pre-Islamic Afghanistan (trans. Izumi Ueeda). In Akira Miyaji (ed.) Studies on Buddhist Art in Asia, vol. 3, Central Asia, East and West Turkestan (in Japanese), pp.199-226. Tokyo: Chuo Koron Bijyutsu Shuppan.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2016)

Dionysos et son double dans l’art du Gandhāra : dieux méconnus d’Asie. In J. Jouanna, V. Schiltz, M. Zink (éd.) La Grèce dans les profondeurs de l’Asie. Actes du 26e Colloque de la Villa Kérylos à Beaulieu-sur-Mer les 9 et 10 octobre 2015 (Cahiers de la Villa « Kérylos », n° 27), pp. 289-304. Paris.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2016)

(with L.M. Olivieri, with contributions by F. Terrasi, F. Marzaioli, I. Passariello and M. Capano) Buddhist settlements and proto-historic graveyards: New chronometric and archaeological data from Saidu Sharif I (Swat, Pakistan). Newsletter di Archeologia CISA: Ricerche e studi 7, pp. 23-33.

  1. 菲利真齐 (2015) 孔雀王朝和佛教在斯瓦特的传播. 卡列宁菲利真齐奥里威利著[Ka Liening, Feiligenqi, Aoliweili]魏正中王倩编译[Wei Zhengzhong, Wang Qian] ed. and transl. 《犍陀罗艺术探源》[Jiantuoluo Yishu Tanyuan]上海古籍出版社 [Shanghai Guji Chubanshe] 2015 (The Maurya Dynasty and the Diffusion of Buddhism in Swat. In Callieri P., A. Fligenzi and L.M. Olivieri; Vignato, G. and Wang Qian, ed. and transl. At the origin of Gandharan Art. Shanghai Classics Publishing House, 2015), pp. 31-41.

  1. 菲利真齐 (2015) 犍陀罗的叙事艺术. 卡列宁菲利真齐奥里威利著[Ka Liening, Feiligenqi, Aoliweili]魏正中王倩编译[Wei Zhengzhong, Wang Qian] ed. and transl. 《犍陀罗艺术探源》[Jiantuoluo Yishu Tanyuan]上海古籍出版社 [Shanghai Guji Chubanshe] 2015 (Gandhara Narrative Art. In Callieri P., A. Fligenzi and L.M. Olivieri; Vignato, G. and Wang Qian, ed. and transl. At the origin of Gandharan Art. Shanghai Classics Publishing House, 2015), pp. 161-180.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2015)

(with Roberta Giunta) The Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan. In B. Cassar and S. Noshadi (eds.) Keeping History Alive: Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in Post-Conflict Afghanistan, Paris-Kabul (UNESCO), pp. 80-91.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2015)

(with Roberta Giunta) Rediscovering the Past, Looking into the Future by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan. In Junhi Han (ed.) From the Past and For the Future: Safeguarding the Cultural Heritage of Afghanistan – Jam and Herat. Paris (UNESCO), pp. 85-88.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2015)

Reinvented Landscapes: Art, Faith and Trade Routes in and around Uḍḍiyāna in the 7th-8th Century CE. In P. McAllister, C. Scherrer-Schaub, and H. Krasser (eds.), Cultural Flows across the Western Himalaya, pp. 105-150. Vienna.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2014)

An Indian terracotta figurine, in C. Zazzaro et al. ‘The contribution of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “l’Orientale” to the 2013-2014 Eritrean-Italian Archaeological Field Season at Adulis’. Newsletter di Archeologia CISA, 5, pp. 507-590 [pp. 547-548].

  1. A. Filigenzi (2013)

Remarks on the Wall Paintings from Mes Aynak. In Recent Archaeological Works in Afghanistan. Preliminary studies on Mes Aynak excavations and other field works, pp. 41-52. Kabul.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2012)

Orientalised Hellenism versus Hellenised Orient: Reversing the Perspective on Gandharan Art. Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia, 18, pp. 111-141.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2012)

Forme visive del Buddhismo tardo-antico: una koiné artistica senza nome lungo i percorsi delle Vie della Seta. In B. Genito e Lucia Caterina (a cura di) Archeologia delle Vie della Seta: Percorsi, Immagini e Cultura materiale, 1o ciclo di conferenze, 14 Marzo-16 Maggio 2012, pp. 38-75.


  1. A. Filigenzi (2011)

Post-Gandharan Swat. Late Buddhist rock sculptures and Turki Śāhi’s religious centres. Journal of Asian Civilisations, Special issue [Italian Archaeology and Anthropology in Northern Pakistan (1955-2011)], 34 (1), pp. 186-202.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2010)

Post-Gandharan/non-Gandharan: archaeological inquiry into a still nameless period. In M. Alram et al. (eds) Coins, Art and Chronology II. The First Millennium C.E. in the Indo-Iranian Borderlands, Vienna, pp. 389-406.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2010)

The Shahi Period: Archaeological and Art Historical Evidence from North West Pakistan. In M. Alram et al. (eds) Coins, Art and Chronology II. The First Millennium C.E. in the Indo-Iranian Borderlands, Vienna, pp. 407- 427.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2010)

Le vie dello Swat (in English). In K. Kriz, W. Cartwright, L. Hurni (eds.) Mapping Different Geographies. Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 183-199.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2009)

La missione archeologica italiana in Afghanistan dell'IsIAO: cinquant'anni di ricerche, scoperte, incontri. Parthica 11, pp. 57-69, 149.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2009)

Migration, Diffusion, Localisation: The common roots of late Buddhist art in Afghanistan/Pakistan and early Buddhist art in Himalayan countries. In Tibetan Arts in Transition: A Journey through Theatre, Cinema and Painting. Seminars Proceedings, Rome and Naples 2008-2009 [Le arti tibetane in transizione: Un viaggio attraverso teatro, cinema e pittura. Atti dei seminari Roma e Napoli 2008-2009], pp. 79-87. Rome. VERSIONE INGLESE

  1. A. Filigenzi (2009)

The Buddhist Site of Tapa Sardar. In A. Filigenzi & R. Giunta (eds.) The IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan 1957 – 2007. Fifty Years of Research in the Heart of Eurasia. Proceedings of the symposium held in the Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Rome, January 8th 2008, pp. 41-57.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2009)

Ritual Forms, Cult Objects: Tapa Sardar at the Crossroads of Places and Phases of the Buddhist ecumene. In A. Filigenzi & R. Giunta (eds.) The IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan 1957 – 2007. Fifty Years of Research in the Heart of Eurasia. Proceedings of the symposium held in the Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Rome, January 8th 2008, pp. 59-75.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2008)

Buddhist Art in Its Social Context (Catalogue of the exhibition “Gandhara, the Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan: Legends, Monasteries and Paradises”, Bonn), Philippe von Zabern, Mainz 2008, pp. 298-301.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2008)

The dāna, the pātra and the cakravartin-ship: Archaeological and Art Historical Evidence for a Social History of Early Medieval Buddhism. In C. Bautze-Picron (ed.) Miscellanies about the Buddha Image. South Asian Archaeology 2007, Special Session 1 (BAR International Series 1888), Oxford 2008, pp. 11-24.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2008)

Late Buddhist Art in Archaeological Context: Some Reflections on the Sanctuary of Tapa Sardar, in C. Bautze-Picron (eds.) Religion and Art: New Issues in Indian Iconography and Iconology. Vol. 1 of the Proceedings of the 18th conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, London 2005 (general editor M. Willis), pp. 49-62. London.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2008)

(with M. Maggi) Pelliot tibétain 2222: a Dunhuang painting with a Khotanese inscription*. Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 3 (2008), pp. 83-89.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2008)

Sculptures from Swat (Catalogue of the exhibition “Gandhara, the Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan: Legends, Monasteries and Paradises”, Bonn), Philippe von Zabern, Mainz 2008, pp. 197-199.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2007)

From Lumbini to Lhasa: local traditions and cosmopolitan vocation of the Buddhist art and architecture. In F. De Filippi (ed.) Restoration and protection of cultural heritage in historical cities of Asia between modernity and tradition (Politecnico di Torino), Roma 2007, pp. 33-44.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2007)

L’area sacra di Butkara I. In A. Invernizzi and V. Messina (eds), Sulla Via di Alessandro. Da Seleucia al Gandhara (cat. of the exhibition, Torino 2007), Silvana Editoriale, Milano 2007, pp. 239-44.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2007)

L’arte del Gandhāra. In A. Invernizzi and V. Messina (eds), Sulla Via di Alessandro. Da Seleucia al Gandhara (cat. of the exhibition, Torino 2007), Silvana Editoriale, Milano 2007, pp. 229-37.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2006)

Ānanda and Vajrapāṇi: An Inexplicable Absence and a Mysterious Presence in Gandhāran Art. In: P. Brancaccio & K. Behrendt (eds) Gandhāran Buddhism: Archaeology, Art, Texts, Vancouver, pp. 270-85.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2006)

From Mind to Eye: Two-Dimensional Illusions and Pictorial Suggestions at Saidu Sharif I. In: P. Callieri (ed.) Architetti, capomastri, artigiani. L’organizzazione dei cantieri e della produzione artistica nell’Asia ellenistica. Studi offerti a Domenico Faccenna nel suo ottantesimo compleanno, Roma, 17-40.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2006)

From Saidu Sharif to Miran. Indologica Taurinensia 32 (2006), pp. 67-89.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2006)

Surya, the Solar Kingship and the Turki Shahi. New Acquisition on the Cultural History of Swat. East and West 56, 1-3 (2006), pp. 195-203.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2005)

A Bronze Votive Stūpa of the Shahi Period: Art, Faith and Ideology in Late-Antique Buddhism. In: U. Franke-Vogt and H.-J. Weisshaar (eds) South Asian Archaeology 2003. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists (7-11 July 2003, Bonn), Aachen, pp. 421-430.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2005)

Gestures and Things: the Buddha’s Robe in Gandharan Art. In: P. Callieri. A. Filigenzi and B. Melasecchi (eds) East and West 55 (1-4), 2005 [2006] Maurizio Taddei Memorial Volume, pp. 103-116.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2005)

Maître du ciel, héros de la terre: la triade Bouddha-Vajrapāṇi-Skanda dans l’art du Gandhāra. In : Z. Tarzi and D. Vaillancourt (eds) Art et archéologie des monastères gréco-bouddhiques du Nord-Ouest de l’Inde et de l’Asie Centrale. Actes du colloque international du Crpoga, Strasbourg, 17-18 mars 2000, Paris, 93-111.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2005)

Stone and Stucco Sculptures from the Sacred Building of Bīr-koṭ-ghwaṇḍai, Swat, Pakistan. In: C. Jarrige and V. Lefèvre (eds) South Asian Archaeology 2001. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists held in Collège de France, Paris, 2-6 July 2001, Paris, 453-461.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2003)

A Vajrayanic Theme in the Rock Sculpture of Swat (NWFP, Pakistan). In: G. Verardi and S. Vita (eds) Buddhist Asia 1. Papers from the First Conference of Buddhist Studies Held in Naples in May 2001, Kyoto, pp. 37-55.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2003)

Narrative Art in Gandhara (in D. Faccenna, P. Callieri and A. Filigenzi, At The Origin of Gandharan Art. The Contribution of the IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in the Swat Valley Pakistan). Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia, 9 (3-4), pp. 350-380.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2003)

The Three Hares from Bīr-Koṭ-Ghwaṇḍai: Another Stage in the Journey of a Widespread Motif. In: M.V. Fontana and B. Genito (eds) Miscellanea in onore di Umberto Scerrato, Napoli, pp. 327-346.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

I Maurya e la diffusione del buddhismo nello Swat. In: P. Callieri and A. Filigenzi (eds) Il Maestro di Saidu Sharif. Alle origini dell’arte del Gandhara, Catalogue of the exhibition, Roma, pp. 35-46.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

L’arte narrativa del Gandhara. In: P. Callieri and A. Filigenzi (eds) Il Maestro di Saidu Sharif. Alle origini dell’arte del Gandhara, Catalogue of the exhibition, Roma, pp. 93-106.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

L’”invenzione” dell’arte narrativa. Archeo, anno 18, n. 7 (209), luglio 2002, pp. 75-81.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

Oggetti d’arte buddhista provenienti dal Kirghisistan. In: B. Genito (ed.) Pastori erranti dell’Asia. Popoli, archeologia e storia nelle steppe dei Kirghisi, Catalogo della mostra, Napoli, pp. 95-96.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2000-2001)

Wisdom and Compassion: Iconography and Iconology of Avalokiteśvara/Padmapāṇi in the Rock Sculpture of Swat (NWFP, Pakistan), Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 60-61, pp. 247-264.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2000)

Marginal Notes on the Buddhist Rock Sculptures of Swat. In M. Taddei – G. De Marco (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 1997, Rome 2000, III, pp. 1065-85.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1997)

Buddhist Rock Sculptures in Swat, North West Pakistan. In R. Allchin and B. Allchin (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 1995, New Delhi, II, pp. 625-35.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1996)

L’arte del Gandhara, in Alessandro Magno. Storia e mito (Catalogo della mostra), Roma, p. 296.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1996)

Pakistan, NWFP - Rilievi rupestri nello Swat (NWFP, Pakistan), Bollettino di Archeologia 41-42 (1996), pp. 271-84.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1992)

Trench BKG 2, in: AA.VV., Bīr-koṭ-ghwaṇḍai 1990-1992: A Preliminary Report on the Excavations of the Italian Archaeological Mission, IsMEO, Suppl. n. 73 degli Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli, pp. 37-48.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1990)

La triade buddistica nell’arte del Gandhara, Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 50/ 1, pp. 93-100.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1990)

Trench BKG2, in: Bir-kot-ghwandai, Swat: 1987 Excavation Campaign, Pakistan Archaeology 25, pp. 183-92.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1985)

Excavations at Bir-Kot Ghwandai: The Historical Layers, in: Pakistan 1. The Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan, East and West 35/ 4, pp. 436-39.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1984)

Trench BKG 2”, in: Pakistan 1. Excavations and Researches in the Swat Valley – Bir- kot Ghwandai, East and West 34/ 4, pp. 493-500.

In press:

  1. A. Filigenzi (in press a)

The Buddhist Rock Sculpture of Swat. Evidence from the Latest Phase of Buddhism in Ancient Uḍḍiyāna. In Chongfeng Li (ed.) Gandhara and China (in Chinese. Provisional title)

  1. A. Filigenzi (in press b)

Forms, models and concepts: regionalism and globalism in Gandharan visual culture. D.M. Srinivasan Felicitation Volume.

  1. A. Filigenzi (in press d)

Non-Buddhist customs of Buddhist people: visual evidence from North-West Pakistan. Paper presented at the symposium Buddhism and the Dynamics of Transculturality, 11-13 June 2012, Heidelberg University, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg (IWH).

  1. A. Filigenzi (in press e)

Technology and Humanities: Some Reflections on the Future of Afghan Cultural Heritage. Paper presented at the international workshop Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Afghanistan. Afghanistan Center at Kabul University (Kabul, Afghanistan) – November 9-11, 2014

  1. A. Filigenzi (in press f)

Visual embodiments of the Buddhist mārga: Space, place and artistry in ancient Swat/Uḍḍiyāna. International symposium Mārga: Paths to Liberation in South Asian Buddhist Traditions. Vienna, December 17-18 2015, Austrian Academy of Sciences.

  1. A. Filigenzi (in press g)

The Myth of Yima in the Religious Imagery of Pre-Islamic Afghanistan: An Enquiry Into the Epistemic Space of the Unwritten. V. Eltschinger, V, Tournier and M. Sernesi (eds.) Festschrift C. Scherrer-Schaub (provisional title)

In preparation:

  1. A. Filigenzi, with M. Alram and Z. Paiman

Afghanistan’s pre-Islamic archaeology: vulnerability, resilience and perspectives. Paper presented at the 23rd Biennial Conference of the South Asian Archaeology and Art, held at the Cardiff University 4th-8th July 2016


  1. A. Filigenzi (2010)

G. Fussman, B. Murad, E. Ollivier, Monuments bouddhiques de la region de Caboul * Kabul Buddhist Monuments. Indo-Iranian Journal 53 (2010), pp. 301-329.


  1. A. Filigenzi (2000)

W. Zwalf, A Catalogue of the Gandhāra Sculpture in the British Museum, East and West 50,

1-4 (2000), pp. 584-86.


  1. A. Filigenzi (2014) The art of Gandhāra. Highlight for the permanent exhibition of the Museu de Cultures del Món (Gandharan section), Barcelona, pp. 1-9 (manuscript). Barcelona.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2014)

Gandhāra: Between East and West. Highlight for the permanent exhibition of the Museu de Cultures del Món (Gandharan section), Barcelona, pp. 1-2 (manuscript). Barcelona.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2014)

Descriptive entry MEB 479-1, for the permanent exhibition of the Museu de Cultures del Món (Gandharan section), Barcelona, pp. 1-2 (manuscript). Barcelona.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2011)

Swat. In F. D’Arelli e P. Callieri (edd.) A Oriente. Città, uomini e dei sulle Vie della Seta (catalogo della mostra). Milano, p. 112.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

Descriptive cards, nos. 65-95. In: P. Callieri and A. Filigenzi (eds) Il Maestro di Saidu Sharif. Alle origini dell’arte del Gandhara, Catalogo della mostra, Roma, 165-78.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1996)

Descriptive cards, nos. 90a, 90b, 90c, 91, 92, 93a, 93b, 95-97, 98a, 98b, 99, 100a-b, 101a, 101b, 102-103, in Alessandro Magno. Storia e mito (Catalogo della mostra), Roma, pp. 298-300; 302-307.


  1. A. Filigenzi (2007)

Mohenjo Daro. In Giuseppe M. Della Fina (a cura di), Capire l’Archeologia, Giunti Editore, Roma 2007, pp. 218-221.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2007)

Sanchi. In Giuseppe M. Della Fina (a cura di), Capire l’Archeologia, Giunti Editore, Roma 2007, pp. 222-225.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2006)

Archeologia del Medio Oriente. In: XXI Secolo, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2006)

Tillya Tepe. In: XXI Secolo, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2005)

Fondukistan. In: Enciclopedia Archeologica. Asia, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, p. 585

  1. A. Filigenzi (2005)

Gandhara. In: Enciclopedia Archeologica. Asia, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, pp. 507-508

  1. A. Filigenzi (2005)

Il Subcontinente indiano. In: Enciclopedia Archeologica. Asia, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, pp. 473-75

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

Le fonti scritte: Medio Oriente – Iran e Asia Centrale. In: Il mondo dell’archeologia, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, I, 123-24.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

Le aree, le sepolture, i corredi e i riti, Subcontinente indiano. In: Il mondo dell’archeologia, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, II, 529-534.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

I luoghi, gli oggetti del culto e i materiali votivi, Subcontinente indiano. In: Il mondo dell’archeologia, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, II, 400-404.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2001)

Ajanta. Dove il divino incontra il mondo. In: I segreti dell’archeologia, De Agostini ed., fasc. 7, maggio 2001.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2001)

Mamallapuram. In: I segreti dell’archeologia, De Agostini ed., fasc. 7, maggio2001.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2001)

Sanchi. In: I segreti dell’archeologia, De Agostini ed., fasc. 7, maggio 2001.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2001)

Sciti. In: I segreti dell’archeologia, De Agostini ed., fasc. 7, maggio2001.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1994)

India, letteratura, s.v. in V Appendice alla Enciclopedia Italiana (IV, 1994), pp. ****

  1. A. Filigenzi (1994)

Nepal, storia, s.v. in V Appendice alla Enciclopedia Italiana (III, 1994), pp. 642-43.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1994)

Pakistan, storia, s.v. in V Appendice alla Enciclopedia Italiana (IV, 1994), pp.15-17

  1. A. Filigenzi (1994)

Stele (Gandhara), s.v. in Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica, II Suppl. (1971-1994), pp. 412-14.

  1. A. Filigenzi (1993)

Indiana, Unione, storia, s.v. in V Appendice alla Enciclopedia Italiana (II, 1993), pp. 644-46.

  1. A. Filigenzi (in press a)

India, archeologia. In Piccola Enciclopedia Treccani, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma.

In preparation:

  1. A. Filigenzi (in preparation a)

Avalokiteśvara. In Brill’s Encyclopaedia of Buddhism. Leiden

  1. A. Filigenzi (in preparation b)

Vairocana. In Brill’s Encyclopaedia of Buddhism. Leiden


  1. A. Filigenzi (2009)

Indisches Herz und universaler Geist. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Samstag/Sonntag 5/6 September 2009, Nr. 205, Literatur und Kunst, B 3.

  1. A. Filigenzi (2006)

La casa di Adinath. Il tempio di Ranakpur. FMR 13 (Giugno/Luglio 2006), pp. 1-24.


  1. A. Filigenzi (2013)

Uḍḍiyāna: Archaeological and visual primary sources


  1. A. Filigenzi (2012) (with Roberta Giunta)

Buddhist and Islamic Archaeological Data from Ghazni, Afghanistan. A multidisciplinary web-based archive for the managing, study, and preservation of an endangered cultural heritage (Project financed by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung)



  1. A. Filigenzi (2011)

Entries related to the project “The cultural history of Uddiyana 4th to 8th century CE. FWF Stand-alone Project P 21902 ÖAW - Numismatische Kommission” (s.v.“Uddiyana”) http://db.bradypus.net/

  1. A. Filigenzi (2009)

The Western Himalaya Archive Vienna (WHAV): Entries for the Gandhara section


  1. A. Filigenzi (2009) (with Roberta Giunta and Elisabetta Valento)



  1. A. Filigenzi (2007)

The Virtual Museum of Iraq: Texts, descriptive entries and illustrative apparatus for the Parthian-Sasanian hall


  1. A. Filigenzi (2004)

Tapa Sardar, on the web site of CISA (Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi per l’Archeologia) of the University of Naples “L’Orientale”.


  1. A. Filigenzi (2009)

The Western Himalaya Archive Vienna (WHAV) (in collaboration with Verena Widorn and Sean McAllister).

  1. A. Filigenzi (2004)

Data-base for the computerized cataloguing of the Saidu Sharif Archaeological Museum (Pakistan).

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

Data-base for the computerized cataloguing of the Lahore National Museum (Pakistan).

  1. A. Filigenzi (2002)

Web site for the Lahore National Museum (Pakistan).


Tags: filigenzi publications, a. filigenzi, filigenzi, publications, (2015, monographs