Shun Tak Fraternal Association Leung Kau Kui College

Shun Tak Fraternal Association Leung Kau Kui College

Form One Information Technology

Assignment Six (Building Website)

(Refer to Chapter 2-6 Page 10 Page 42 in your textbook)


Part 1:

  1. Build one web page to introduce yourself (profile.htm). You should include the following techniques and contents:

      1. Title of the page (Text)

      2. Introduction (Text)

      3. Personal information in table format (Table)

      4. List of your hobbies (Lists)

  2. Add hyperlinks in your profile:

      1. Add a text link which link to your email in personal information table (Adding email link)

      2. Add an image link which link to a new page “Bookmarks” (Adding local link)

  3. Other modifications:

      1. Change the text title into graphic title (Insert image)

      2. Add a background image (Modify background)

  4. Save the file in your homework directory (S:\public_html\) with the name “profile.htm”. If you can’t find [public_html] in your S: drive, you can create it by yourself.

  5. You can check your webpage by the following address:

  6. Test ALL of your hyperlinks.

Part 2:

  1. Build a web page of your favorite links (bookmark.htm) with the following features:

      1. Title of the page (Image or Formatted Text)

      2. Add at least 2 named anchor links which link to 2 sets of bookmarks (Adding named anchor link)

      3. Add 2 sets of bookmarks, each set contains five bookmarks (Adding external links)

      4. Add a link that link back to “profile.htm” page. (Adding local link)

  2. Save the file in your homework directory (S:\public_html\) with the name “bookmark.htm”. If you can’t find [public_html] in your S: drive, you can create it by yourself.

  3. You can check your webpage by the following address:

  4. Test ALL of your hyperlinks.

Part 3:

  1. Build a new web page (album.htm) with the following features:

      1. Title of the page (Image or Formatted Text)

      2. At least 4 photos and captions should be added in this page. You may use the technique of “Layers” if necessary.

  2. Save the file in your homework directory (S:\public_html\) with the name “album.htm”. If you can’t find [public_html] in your S: drive, you can create it by yourself.

  3. You can check your webpage by the following address:

  4. Test ALL of your hyperlinks.

Part 4:

  1. Re-organize your 2 web pages (profile.thm and bookmark.htm) into a frame structure:

      1. Open the file profile.htm.

      2. Add a Frame (頁框) on the left (or any other locations).

      3. Save the Left Frame (Navigation Menu) with filename nav.htm.

      4. Save the Frameset (頁框組) with filename index.htm.

      5. Add 3 links that will link to profile.htm, bookmark.htm and album.htm on the Left Frame (nav.htm).

      6. CSS style should be applied in this 3 links.

  2. Save the files in your homework directory (S:\public_html\) with the names “nav.htm”, “index.htm” and etc. If you can’t find [public_html] in your S: drive, you can create it by yourself.

  3. You can check your webpage by the following address:

  4. Test ALL of your hyperlinks.

Grading Rubric






profile.htm (30%)

Title of the page (5%)

A title is created and it is appropriate.

A title is created.

A title is not created.

Introduction (5%)

A paragraph of introduction is created and it is appropriate.

A paragraph of introduction is created.

No introduction is created.

Table (5%)

A table is created and it is appropriate.

A table is created.

No table is created.

List (5%)

A list is created and it is appropriate.

A list is created.

No list is created.

Adding email link (5%)

Successful to add an email link and the link is valid

Only add a text/image but no link or the link is invalid

No link is added

Adding an image link” (5%)

Successful to add an image link and the link is valid.

Only add a text link or the link is invalid

No link is added to get to bookmark.htm

bookmark.htm (10%)

Adding named anchor link (5%)

Successful to add the 2 anchor links and the links are valid.

Only add the text /image but no link or the links are invalid.

No links are added

Adding external links (5%)

Successful to add 2 sets of links and the links are valid.

Only add a text/image but no link or the links are invalid or only added links less than 10

No links are added

album.htm (15%)

Photo Album (10%)

A photo Album is created with at least 4 pictures in it. All the pictures are relevant to the website and are in good quality. A good title is created.

A photo Album is created with at least 4 pictures in it.

A photo Album is created with less than 4 pictures in it.

Effect of the photos (5%)

All pictures are well organized and the effect is impressive.

The pictures are organized in an acceptable manner.

The pictures are not organized.

nav.htm, index.htm and overall (45%)

Frame (5%)

A frame is used and the width and length are appropriate.

A frame is used.

No frame is used.

Navigation bar (5%)

At least 3 links are found in the navigation bar. The links are in excellent layouts.

At least 3 links are found in the navigation bar.

Less than 3 links are found in the navigation bar.

Targets of the links (5%)

All the targets of the links are the main frame.

Most the targets of the links are the main frame.

Most the targets of the links are not the main frame.

CSS Styles (5%)

Appropriate CSS styles are used and the effect is excellent.

CSS styles are used.

No CSS styles are used.

Overall Effect (25%)

The overall effect of the web page is excellent.

The overall effect of the web page is satisfactory.

The overall effect of the web page is unsatisfactory.

Tags: association leung, association, fraternal, college, leung