Policy and procedure manual for St FX Athletic Therapy

Policy and procedure manual for St FX Athletic Therapy

  1. Objectives of Athletic Therapy

  2. Personnel

  3. Athletic therapy Field work

  4. Athletic Therapy Clinic

  5. Operating guidelines and expectations

  6. Information regarding competition

  7. Other athletes

  8. St FX Policies

1) Objectives of Athletic therapy

  1. To provide Athletic therapy services to St FX University Varsity Athletes. These services include the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.

  1. To provide an opportunity to students to pursue an education in Athletic Therapy.

  1. To provide an opportunity for non varsity students to be involved with varsity sports.

2) Personnel

Head Athletic Therapist Tara Sutherland

Assistant Athletic Therapist Katrina Lambert

Team Physician Dr. David Cudmore

Student Therapists

Roles of Athletic Therapists

  1. To provide Athletic therapy services to St FX University Varsity Athletes. These services include the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.

  2. To ensure proper coverage of all home and away games. ( an Athletic therapist will be present at all home games for consultation and a student therapist will travel with varsity teams to away games)

  3. To supervise all student therapists.

  4. To assist in the education of student therapists.

Roles of Student therapists

  1. The Student Therapist is responsible for their athlete’s medical needs and concerns. This includes;

  1. Collecting medical and personal information, including completed medicals from all players and relay information to Head athletic Therapist

  2. Pre practice and pre game preparation, post practice and post game icing etc. The Student Therapist will be in the therapy room at least 45 minutes prior to practice and 30 after practice. For games this will depend on each individual teams needs.

  3. All emergencies on field/ court medical needs.

  4. The accompaniment of athletes to the hospital (if possible)

  5. The directing of athletes to the Head Athletic Therapist for medical treatment, including doctor (etc) referrals.

  1. Travel with team and deal with medical needs while on the road. While on the road the Student Therapist will act in a manner fitting that of a representative of the University and will obey all rules and regulations set forth by the Athletic Department and the respective Coach.

  1. The Student Therapist will not be responsible for any other duties unless agreed upon by the coach, the Student Therapist and the Head Athletic therapist. For example Student Therapists will not be responsible for any taking of statistical information as this may interfere in the performance of their duties.

Student Therapists

  1. The Head Athletic Therapist in consultation with the coach of the respective team will hire Student Therapists.

  1. The Student Therapist will be a student of St FX, but is not limited to the Human Kinetics program.

  1. The Student Therapist works for the Athletic department but is directly accountable to the Head Athletic Therapist for their actions and for their duties.

  1. The student therapist will have current first aid and CPR.

3) Athletic Therapy Field work

Duties of Athletic therapists

Duties of Student therapists

  1. Prepare own team for practices and games

  2. Attend all practices and games.

  3. Dress appropriately for all game sand practices.

  4. Emergency care of athletes at practices and games.

  5. Assess and refer team members to athletic therapists for further assessment.

  6. Assist in drug testing if need arises.

  7. Attend education and other meetings as they are arranged.

  8. Maintain the rules of the therapy room.

  9. Maintain the tidiness of the therapy room.

  10. Assist other student therapists in preparation of there teams if needed.

4) Athletic Therapy Clinic

  1. Maintain a level of professionalism at all times.

    1. Dress neatly.

    2. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times.

    3. Profanity is not accepted language in the clinic.

    4. Be aware that other teams will be using the same space at the same time.

    5. Maintain the order of the therapy room.

  1. Keep the work space neat and tidy at all times

  2. Return all material removed from the clinic in a timely matter.

  3. Do laundry when needed.

  4. Clean tables and tubs after use.

5) Operating guidelines and expectations

Athletes in the Therapy Room ( Taping)

  1. Proper behavior is expected at all times.

  2. The use of profanity is not permitted

  3. Athletes will be taped on a first come first served basis.

  4. No supplies are to be removed from the therapy room.

  5. No smoking or chewing tobacco in the therapy room.

  6. The phone is for emergency and business use only.

  7. Athletes are not to use the therapy room as a lounge.

  8. Athletes will leave shoes and sporting equipment outside the therapy room door.

Athletes in the Therapy Room ( Treatment)

  1. Appointments will be made on the therapists schedule.

  2. Treatments will only be done by a certified athletic therapist.

  3. Treatments will only be done in clinic times.

  4. Athletes will behave appropriately at all times.

  5. Athletes will leave shoes and sporting equipment outside the therapy room door.

  6. If the need arise the therapist will refer the athlete to other medical professions.

6) Information regarding competition

We here at St FX university will strive to be the best host in the AUS if not in the CIS. It is the responsibility of the student therapists to ensure that they do there best to aid visiting teams where they can.

A student therapist will be present at all games of a varsity team for St FX University. He or she may be contacted to help coordinate the care of visiting team athletes.

Home Competitions

  1. The home team therapist is responsible for ensuring that an operational emergency protocol is in place, tested, and periodically reviewed as necessary.

  1. The home team therapist must inform the visiting team about these protocols prior to the start of the game. Inform them as to the equipment available, resources, and roles of each home medical team member and their location during the event.

  1. Should the visiting team not have a therapist, a responsible person must be predetermined to respond to field injuries. The home team therapist will be available to give support when requested by a pre-determined signal.

  1. Direct access communication from the sideline of playing surface is optimal in ensuring immediate activation of the EMS response.

  1. Direct verbal communication with on field charge person will ensure adequate information is obtained before activation EMS system. Hand signals may be used but must be confirmed by repetition of signal by call person and verbal confirmation after call is made.

  1. Access route and exact site location must be posted/available to the call person. Call person then ensures that the EMS access is facilitated through contact with facility security and or delegated EMS greeters at designated entrance.

  1. Arrangements for reception at preferred hospital should be cleared prior to individual being sent (emergency or non-emergency).

  1. At the end of the game, the home team therapist shuts down services only after checking with the visiting team, and following up with their own team.

Away Competitions

  1. Student therapist will travel with there team and act according to the guidelines put down by the coach of said team.

  2. Training kits will be packed by the student therapist in advance of departure.

  3. Student therapist will ensure that they have appropriated medical information on all traveling athletes.

7) Other athletes

Club athletes

Men’s rugby and men’s field lacrosse will be have the services of a student therapist and will be paid by the individual team as determined by the team and the Head therapists.

Each team will pay a fee of one hundred dollars to the Athletic therapy budget to cover cost of tape used during there season.

Club athletes will be treated for emergency conditions and referred to the hospital or on campus doctor.

Club athletes will be treated in the clinic if there is time available. Other wise they will be referred to local physiotherapy clinics.

Intramural athletes

Intramural athletes will be treated for emergency conditions and referred to the hospital or on campus doctor. Intramural athletes will be treated in the clinic if there is time available. Other wise they will be referred to local physiotherapy clinics.

Human Kinetics students ( other St FX students)

Human Kinetics students will be treated for emergency conditions and referred to the hospital or on campus doctor. Human Kinetic students will be treated in the clinic if there is time available. Other wise they will be referred to local physiotherapy clinics.

8) St FX Policies

Injury or Illness

Each Athlete is responsible to report to the therapists all injuries or illness associated with practices and or games as soon as possible. The Head Athletic Therapist and or the Assistant Athletic Therapist will make the necessary medical referrals as indicated.

If in the opinion of the Varsity Doctor, that an athlete needs a referral to a specialist due to an athletic injury, the Varsity Doctor’s office will make that appointment.

Practice or Game Participation for an Injured Athlete

Decisions of availability of the player for practice or game shall be the sole responsibility of members of the medical staff. All coaches will be informed of your physical condition and availability to practice.

Doctor Appointments

All injury related Doctor appointments will be made by the Medical Staff. All athletes are responsible for keeping all doctor appointments. Failure to do so will result in penalties, which may include having to pay the Doctor’s fees. Coaches will be notified of all missed appointments.

Our varsity Doctor will be available on campus on Tuesday mornings, these appointments will be made through the therapy staff.

Our varsity doctor does not offer a walk in clinic, so athletes must have appointments.


All dental bills will be honoured by the University only if caused by the sport and only if the athlete is wearing the appropriate protection for the sport in which they participate.


St FX Emergency Action Plan

Non Emergency Medical Plans

Dealing with blood

Visiting team emergency Action sheet ( and map)

St FX University Medical coverage

St FX Policy on Medicals

St FX Policy on Braces

St FX policy on Mouth Guards


Tags: athletic therapy, an athletic, manual, therapy, athletic, policy, procedure