

A is pronounced like the “a” in cha cha cha.

papá sala cama

pasa mapa fama

E is pronounced like in the word eight (like a long A sound).

me mete teme se

te mesa reza pesa

I is pronounce like the “e” in see.

sí fina misa tina

mi mina Linda

O is pronounced like in no but a bit shorter.

no tomo tonto pronto

con como son

U is pronounced like the “u” in fluid.

fumo mula cuna

luna seguro puro

Y has two different pronunciations.

With a vowel, it’s pronounced like the “e” in see.

rey hay

In all other cases, it is a consonant pronounced like the y in year.

ya tuyo suyo

yo mayo cuyo

H is always silent.

hotel hospital ahora hasta hay

hombre honor hora hondo

B and V have the same pronunciation with both sounding like a “b”.

barco nave barbero voto

tuvo bote barba sabe

vamos subo venga nube

J is pronounced like an English “h”.

jabón jamón lejos traje

jota jarabe junio jirafa

L is pronounced like an English “l”, like in leg.

loma listo Lola

limonada limón lago

LL is pronounced like the “y” in yes. (Pronunciation may vary by country).

caballo gallo sello pollo lloro

millón gallina llamo llego

N is pronounced like a regular “n” like in no.

nieto no nada

normal negro nunca

Ñ is pronounced like the “ny” in canyon.

año niña paño

daño riña caña

X sounds like a hard “g” followed by a soft “s” like in exactly.

exactamente éxito extremo

examen explicar extra

R is pronounced like an “r” in English but with a trilling sound.

RR is pronounced with an extra rolling of the tongue.

(Words that begin with R have the RR sound.)

pero perro mira mirra rico

caro carro ahora ahorra rato

cero cerro coro corro rima

QU appears in Spanish only before an “e” or “i” and is pronounced like a “k”.

que quiero quito aquí

aquel queso toque bloque

quiso quien roque quienes

S and Z are pronounced like the “s” in safe.

casa música mozo cosa

caza zapato peso azul

zapato comienzo presente rosa

C has two sounds.

Before an “a”, “o”, or “u”, it is pronounced like a K.

casa cama crédito

poco capa campo

Before an “e” or “i”, it is pronounced like an S.

nación cinco cero

principal cielo

G also has two sounds.

Before an “a”, “o”, or “u”, it is pronounced like the hard “g” in gum.

goma hago pongo

lago digo ganado

Before an “e” or “i”, it is pronounced like an English “h”.

general gitano genial

gente dirige giro

GUE sounds like “gay” and GUI sounds like the “gee” in geese.

F is pronounced like an English “f” like in first.

familia fama fila fortuna

M is pronounced like an English “m” like in mom.

madre mamá mira martes

P is pronounced like an English “p” like in pear.

padre papá apellido pera

T is pronounced like an English “t” only softer.

tanto tío Teresa Tomás

tienda total tener tiempo

D is pronounced like an English “d” only softer. Between two vowels it’s almost like a “th” sound.

donde doy damos cuando

diciendo todo codo hablado

NOTES: 1. K AND W ARE NOT USED IN SPANISH WORDS. They are only used in “imported” words.

2. PH is not a combination that is used in Spanish.

3. RECALL that consonants are not doubled when spelling Spanish words except,

occasionally, the letters R, C, and L (like in “recall”).

Tags: pronounced like, is pronounced, pronounced, pronunciación