1. Glycolysis occurs in the:

a. cytoplasm b. nucleus c. mitochondria matrix d. mitochondrial intermembrane space

2. The 4 steps of cellular respiration, in order are:

a. Kreb’s Cycle, Chemosmosis, Glycolysis, Electron Transport Chain

b. Electron Transport Chain, Kreb’s Cycle, Chemiosmosis, Glycolysis

c. Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, Electron Transport Chain, Chemiosmois

d. Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, Transition Reactions, Respiratory Chain

  1. Glucose, a _______ Carbon sugar, breaks down into 2 __________ during glycolysis.

    1. 3, pyruvates b. 3, acetates c. 6, pyruvates d. 6, acetates

4. The final electron acceptor in the respiratory chain is:

a. carbon dioxide b. hydrogen c. water d. oxygen

5. During cellular respiration _________ accumulate, against their concentration gradient, in the intermembrane space of the mitochondria.

a. electrons b. hydrogen ions c. proteins d. oxygen

6. A type of anaerobic respiration that occurs in our muscles cells is:

a. alcohol fermentation b. lactic acid fermentation c. chemiosmosis d. triglyceride fermentation

7. The storage molecule that can generate the most ATP’s is:

a. DNA b. carbohydrates c. proteins d. fats

8. When proteins are used to make ATP they must first be hydrolysed into:

a. amino acids b. polypeptides c. DNA d. glucose

9. The Hershey and Chase experiment showed ___________ to be the genetic material.

a. protein b. amino acids c. DNA d. tRNA

10. In DNA adenine pairs with:

a. uracil b. cytosine c. guanine d. thymine

11. Translate this DNA strand into mRNA




12. The steps of protein synthesis, in order are:

a. transcription, elongation, initiation, termination b. initiation, elongation, transcription, termination

c. initiation, transcription, elongation, termination d. transcription, initiation, elongation, termination

13. Protein synthesis occurs on/in a:

a. mitochondrion b. ribosome c. amino acid d. strand of DNA

14. An Okazaki fragment

a. occurs on the leading strand b. occurs on the lagging strand

c. is essential to protein synthesis d. occurs only in RNA

15. The telomere problem is

a. too much DNA to make DNA replication quick

b. the telomere gets longer throughout the cells life and causes cancer

c. the telomere gets shorter after every replication because there’s no way to fill in the DNA strand when the RNA primer leaves

d. germ line cells use the enzyme telomerase and it makes the RNA primer too short to give a good starting point for DNA

16. During protein synthesis the mRNA binds first to the

a. small ribosomal subunit b. large ribosomal subunit

c. the ribosome, but there is only one unit d. tRNA

17. A polysome is:

a. a really large ribosome b. a ribosome in the rough endoplasmic reticulum

c. an enzyme that helps proteins fold d. a chain of many ribosomes translating one mRNA


18. mRNA a. carry anticodons to ribosome

19. tRNA b. contains the genetic coding for the protein

20. rRNA c. aids in translation during protein synthesis


21. A molecule that undergoes reduction is gaining an electron.

22. missing question

23. All living organisms use aerobic respiration.

24. NADH drops off electrons in the electron transport chain sooner than FADH2; this causes NADH to make more ATP’s than FADH2.

25. Each amino acid has only one codon.

26. The genetic code of plants and animals is different.

27. In an isotonic solution, there is:

a. less water outside than inside b. equal water concentrations inside and out c. more water outside than inside

28. In plant cells, the cell membrane can shrink while the cell wall remains in place, this is called:

a. plasmolysis b. isotonic solution c. hypotonic solution

29. A solute can be pumped from a lower concentration gradient to a higher one in:

a. active transport b. passive transport c. facilitated diffusion

30. Cotransport is an example of:

a. active transport b. passive transport c. facilitated diffusion

31. question deleted

32. Which type of nucleic acid is the energy currency of life?

a. adenosine diphosphate b. deoxyribonucleic acid c. adenosine triphosphate d. ribonucleic acid

33. Which answer best characterizes the central dogma of biology?

a. deoxyribonucleic acid produces ATP

b. a polypeptide sequence is used to form RNA

c. ribonucleic acid forms deoxyribonucleic acid

d. DNA is sued to make RNA which is used to make the amino acid sequence of all proteins.

34. Which unit molecule belongs to proteins?

a. cellulose b. nucleotides c. sugars d. amino acids

35. Which structure is described by the order of the amino acids?

a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. quaternary

36. Which one of the 4 macromolecules does not make polymers?

a. carbohydrates b. proteins c. nucleic acids d. lipids

37. What is a disaccharide?

a. many sugar monomers bonded together b. 2 sugar monomers bonded together

c. the exoskeleton of arthropods d. the protein responsible for making sugars

38. Starch and cellulose are types of

a. polysaccharides b. proteins c. lipids d. alcohols

39. Triglycerides consist of:

a. 2 fatty acids and 1 glycerol b. 3 fatty acids and 2 glycerols

c. 3 fatty acids and 3 glycerols d. 3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol

40. What is used to store long term energy?

a. phospholipids b. sterols c. triglycerides d. cholesterols

41. Hydrolysis

a. makes water b. uses water

42. Hydrolysis

a. breaks molecules apart b. adds nitrogen to the molecule

c. has no effect on molecules d. puts molecules back together

43. Polymers are ________ linked in a long chain.

a. amino acids b. monomers c. phospholipids d. anomers

44. Active transport uses ________ to move molecules.

a. diffusion b. energy c. osmosis

45. An oxidation reaction involves losing a/an

a. proton b. ion c. electron d. atom

46. Tight junctions are

a. belts around cells that prevent leaks b. anchoring junctions

c. junctions with continuous cytoplasm between cells d. all of the above

47. The following are all enzyme characteristics except for

a. temperature sensitive b. globular proteins c. non-specific for substrate and product d. destroyed by heat

48. Vitamins are an example of

a. cofactors b. enzymes c. amino acids d. proteins

49. A coenzyme in most commonly

a. a non-organic protein assisting molecule b. a protein helping another protein

c. a vitamin severing a needed function for an enzyme to work properly

50. Allosteric inhibition

a. uses a site other than the active site for enzyme inhibition b. uses an inhibitor directly in the active site

c. destroys the enzyme to prevent it’s function permanently

51. During chemiosmosis, oxygen is the

a. ATP acceptor b. water acceptor c. final electron acceptor d. carbon dioxide acceptor

52. In cellular respiration, glucose is converted to which of the following during glycolysis?

a. hydrogen b. ATP c. pyruvates d. proteins

53. Which of the following is a true distinction between fermentation and cellular respiration?

a. only respiration oxidizes glucose

b. NADH is oxidized by the electron transport chain only in respiration

c. fermentation, but not respiration, is an example of a catabolic pathway

d. substrate level phosphorolation is unique to fermentation

54. A tight junction:

a. allows certain materials to pass b. allows no materials to pass

c. allows leakage between cells d. allows cytoplasm between cells

55. What cell process engulfs tiny droplets of extracellular fluid in vesicles?

a. phagocytosis b. cell vacuoles c. pinocytosis d. endocytosis

56. A non competitive inhibitor may attach itself to the ________ site on an enzyme

a. key hole b. Allosteric c. anosteric d. active


1. a

2. c

3. c

4. d

5. b

6. b

7. d

8. a

9. c

10. d

11. b

12. d

13. b

14. b

15. c

16. a

17. d

18. b

19. a

20. c

21. T

22. missing question

23. F

24. T

25. F

26. F

27. b

28. a

29. a

30. a

31. question deleted

32. c

33. d

34. d

35. d

36. a

37. d

38. b

39. a

40. d

41. c

42. b

43. a

44. b

45. b

46. c

47. a

48. c

49. a

50. c

51. a

52. c

53. c

54. b

55. b

56. c

57. b

Tags: cytoplasm b., allows cytoplasm, glycolysis, nucleus, occurs, cytoplasm