sp	(signal plot)     
		latest modification March 15, 1995
  	sp plots monaural or stereo sample file data in either waveform or  
  	envelope mode. The user has control over the time interval of data    
  	displayed and the range of the vertical scale. Only one channel is    
  	shown at a time. Graphic output occurs on the workstation screen via  
  	an ecapsulated Postscript viewing application or on a remote Tek4014  
  	terminal. The g_raph graphics library is used to produce the output   
  	graphic display. The types of input files handled are 1) NeXT sound   
  	file with 16-bit linear format (.snd), 2) 16-bit linear format        
  	without header (.sh), 3) 32-bit float format without header (.fp).    
        To run:                                                               
        sp [-y<SIGMAX>] [-v<YMAX>] [-s<SR>] [-c<NCHANS>] [-e] [-r]            
           [-m<MAXPTS>] <samp_file>  					      
  	<SIGMAX> is the max. abs y value of the data values to be plotted     
  	  where default is 20000,                                             
  	<YMAX> is sames as <SIGMAX> except that unipolar plot is invoked      
  	<SR> is the sample rate in samples/sec. with default of 22050,	      
  	<NCHANS> is the number of channels with default of 1,		      
  	-e puts sp into envelope mode,                                        
  	-r puts sp into research mode					      
  	-m<MAXPTS> gives the max. no. pts. plotted (1024 default)             
  	<samp_file> holds the values of a signal waveform                     
  	To compile use:  cc -o sp sigplot.c -lm g_raph.lib                    
        Initially, the user is prompted for a pair of time values, over       
  	which the signal is to be plotted (float values in seconds).          
      After each graph is completed the following commands are operational:   

  	<return> alone causes the next graph to continue from the first.
        - <return> causes the previous graph frame to appear.
        't' followed by <return> results in a request for new pair of times.
        'v' <return> allows the user to specify a new vertical range.
  	'm' <return> sets new value of max pts for subsequent plots.
        'c' <return> toggles the channel No. for stereo sample files.
  	'e' <return> toggles the envelope/signal mode.
  	's' <return> computes an FFT of the current window size for values of 
            time and channel. 
  	'sr' <return> computes an FFT ratio of the current window size for 
             given time.
        'h' <return> toggles the help menu (on/off).
        'q' <return> erases plot and quits program.

J. Beauchamp 01/18/96

Tags: (signal plot), latest, (signal, plot), march, modification