The Curriculum and Educational Policies Council shall serve as the primary advisory body to the Academic Senate and Uuniversity administration on matters pertaining to the educational policies of the Uuniversity. No changes in existing educational policies shall be approved without consideration by this Ccouncil. 1

The Curriculum and Educational Policies Council is subordinate to the Academic Senate, and, as such, all policies and regulations recommended by the Curriculum and Educational Policies Council shall be presented to the Academic Senate for approval, except for those matters specifically delegated to the Curriculum and Educational Policies Council or those matters to be presented directly to the administration.

The Curriculum and Educational Policies Council shall review, evaluate, and make recommendations to the Ssenate regarding all new and existing policies and statements governing graduate and undergraduate curriculum, academic programs, academic standards, and educational policy, and may initiate recommendations for change for the successful implementation of those policies. The Ccouncil shall also be responsible for the formation and implementation of policies pertaining to the Uuniversity's General Education requirements.

Upon request of the Academic Senate or Uuniversity Aadministration, the Ccouncil shall nominate members to serve on committees that require the particular expertise of its membership.

The Curriculum and Educational Policies Council may establish such subcommittees as it deems necessary to the discharge of itsthe responsibilities under its charge.

The Ccouncil shall not have initial jurisdiction with matters specifically delegated to the colleges.

Among the specific responsibilities of the Ccouncil are the following:

1.   To review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding newly proposed, substantially revised, and to-be-discontinued graduate and undergraduate degree programss, options, minors, options, credentials, and certificates;2

2.   To review and make recommendations regarding CSULB Catalog material pertaining to graduate and undergraduate educational policies, curriculum, and academic standards; 3

32.   To review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies on student petitions submitted to Admissions and Records pertaining to admission, registration, probation, disqualification, student unit overloads, and graduation, especially those referred to the council by the Academic Appeals Committee (AAC);4

3. To review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies pertaining to General Education, especially those referred to the council by the General Education Governing Committee (GEGC);5

4.   To review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding admission and registration policies pertaining to the appeal of final course grades, especially those referred to the council by the Grade Appeal Committee (GAC)6;

5. To review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies pertaining to the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement, especially those referred to the council by the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement Committee (GWARC)7;

6. To review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies related to international education, especially those referred to the council by the International Education Committee (IEC)8;

7. To review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies related to teacher preparation referred to the council by the Teacher Preparation Committee (TPC)

8. To review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies related to the university library referred to the council by the University Library Committee (ULC);9

59.   To review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies pertaining to graduate and undergraduate academic honors and awards and interdisciplinary studies and to act as the final curriculum committee dealing with revisions to the requirements for the University Honors Program, the Interdisciplinary Studies Program, their courses, and all other university-wide courses, such as EOP, INTL, S/I, UNIV, and WPE10;

6.   To review and make recommendations regarding policies related to International Education;

10.   To review and make recommendations to Academic Affairs regarding CSULB Catalog material pertaining to educational policies, curriculum, and academic standards11;

711.   To review each semester the list of changes to the General Education Master Course List submitted by the General Education Governing Committeeand make recommendations regarding courses submitted for General Education credit and to review all existing General Education courses at least every five years to assure conformity with current General Education policies12; and

812.   To resolve disputes between or among departments and colleges regarding matters of curricular content, program requirements, and CSULB or CSU system educational policies.



Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee)

Additional designee of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

DirectorAssistant Vice President, Center for International Education and Global Engagement

Vice President for Administration and Finance (or designee)

Vice President for Student Services (or designee)

Four (4) tenured or tenure track faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts, two (2) from each of the other Ccolleges, and one (1) from the University Library and Academic Technology Services , all elected by their respective units to serve staggered, three-year terms

OneTwo (12) lecturers elected by the lecturers who shall to serve for a period of one staggered three-year terms

One (1) tenured or tenure track student services professional, academic-relatedmember of Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS)

One (1) member from of the Academic Senate elected by the Academic Senate, who should also be an elected member of the Ccouncil, to serve as a liaison from the senate to the council if possible ; if an individual with dual membership is not available, the Ssenator becomes a non-voting member liaison to the council

One (1) Ddepartment Cchair, either an elected member of the Ccouncil or a Ddepartment Cchair appointed by the Ssenate upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee as a non-voting member if an elected member is not available

President, Associated Students, Inc.

Two (2) student members, selected by the Associated Students, Inc.


The council shall elect annually from among its members a chair, vice chair, and secretary. The chair presides over the meetings, forwards materials to the senate, and writes the annual report to the senate. The vice chair fulfills the duties of the chair in her/his absence. The secretary writes minutes of each meeting.

Curriculum and Educational Policies (CEP) Steering Committee

The Curriculum and Educational Policies Council shall establish a Ssteering Ccommittee composed of the elected officers of the Ccouncil and one of the designees of the Pprovost and Ssenior Vvice Ppresident for Aacademic Aaffairs.

The CEP Steering Committee shall be responsible for the planning and scheduling of meetings, agenda setting, and transmittal of items to the Academic Senate13. The CEP Steering Committee shall make appointments to subcommittees and ad hoc committees of the Council. The Steering Committee is empowered to adjudicate graduate student grievances as specified in PS 95-06, Policies and Procedures for Resolving Graduate Student Grievances . 14


Standing Committees Reporting to the Council

The Sstanding Ccommittees of that report to the Curriculum and Educational Policies Council are the Academic Appeals Committee, the General Education Governing Committee, the Grade Appeals Committee, the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement Committee, the International Education Committee, the Teacher Preparation Committee, and the University Library Committee. The Academic Senate shall approve the charge, size, and mode of selection of the membership of Standing these Ccommittees.

  Senate Liaison

The Ccouncil shall select a Council Lliaison to the Academic Senate from among its members who will attend Academic Senate meetings and report back to the Ccouncil. The Council liaison to the senate should be an Aacademic Ssenator if possible; if not, the Ccouncil shall appoint select a member, who will become a non-voting member liaison tof the Ssenate.

Additional duties of the chair

The Cchair of the Curriculum and Educational Policies Council is an ex officio voting member of the Campus Planning Committee, the Academic Senate Emergency Committee, and the Resource Planning Process Task Force.

1 The council calls this sentence to the senate’s attention. The senate has made many changes to policy without referring them to the council. Should this statement remain as is?

2 These revisions state these duties more fully.

3 This section is now number 8 below.

4 These revisions state these duties more fully and correctly. Although not all of these duties relate to the duties of the AAC, most do.

5 The current charge makes no reference to this, highly important duty of the council.

6 This statement is re-written to make it about grade appeals; the admission and registration aspects were moved to 2.

7 The current charge makes no reference to the relation of the council to this, very important committee.

8 This section was moved here from 6, to put the committees in alphabetical order.

9 These two committees (TPC and ULC) were placed under the authority of the council only relatively recently; the current charge does not mention them.

10 These revisions add interdisciplinary studies to the programs that report to this council and make it clear that the council acts as their “college” curriculum committee.

11 This section was moved here from 2. to put it after the sections dealing with committees. The council acts here in an advisory capacity to the university administrator in charge of the CSULB Catalog.

12 The removed duties have, in fact, been performed solely by the GEGC for many years. The newly added statement describes what the council has actually done in this regard for many years.

13 The chair does this. See above under duties of the chair.

14 This duty was removed with the most recent revision of this policy statement.


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Tags: curriculum and, “college” curriculum, curriculum, policies, council, educational