MUZEJ GRADA SPLITA, Papalićeva 1, 21000 Split, OIB: 35217491823, zastupan po ravnateljici, Branki Brekalo (u daljnjem tekstu: Muzej grada Splita)


__________________________________________________________________________________(PUNI NAZIV-adresa, sjedište, poštanski broj, oib, te osoba koja zastupa agenciju(u daljnjem tekstu Agencija) sklopili su dana _____________________ 2021. godine sljedeći


Članak 1.

1. Ugovorne strane sporazumno utvrđuju:

- da je Muzej grada Splita ustanova upisana u registar Trgovačkog suda u Splitu pod matičnim brojem subjekta 060083839, javna ustanova registrirana za istraživanje, skupljanje, čuvanje, stručnu zaštitu, znanstvenu obradu i prezentiranje kulturne baštine grada Splita, te između ostalog, za pripremanje i održavanje stalnih i povremenih izložbi, organiziranje i održavanje predavanja, tečajeva, seminara, savjetovanja i sličnih oblika rada.

Muzej grada Splita, Papalićeva 1, 21000 Split, temeljem Zaključka Gradonačelnika Grada Splita od 17. travnja 2014. godine o dodjeli Podruma Dioklecijanove palače na korištenje i upravljanje Muzeju grada Splita Klase: 612-01/10-01/0097, Ur.Broja: 2181-01-01-14-0119 i zapisnika o uvođenju Muzeja grada Splita od 1. svibnja 2014. godine u prostor Podruma Dioklecijanove palače, a u cilju što uspješnijeg obavljanja svoje djelatnosti vezano za posjetitelje treba osigurati što veći broj posjetitelja i u objekt Muzeja grada Splita – Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače.

- da Agencija može organizirati dolazak posjetitelja u objekt Muzeja grada Splita -Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače.

Članak 2.

1. Predmet ovog ugovora je ugovaranje poslovanja između Muzeja grada Splita i Agencije putem vouchera za posjet Podrumima Dioklecijanove palače-, čime se agenciji omogućava odgoda plaćanja usluga Muzeja grada Splita, i to plaćanjem nakon izvršene usluge.

2. Ugovorne strane utvrđuju da će posjetitelji objekta Muzej grada Splita –Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače čiji je dolazak organiziran putem Agencije ulaziti u objekt Muzeja grada Splita – Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače uz predočenje vouchera na ulazu u objekt Muzeja grada Splita Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače od strane pratitelja grupe, odnosno turističkog vodiča u okviru radnog vremena za posjetitelje objekta Muzeja grada Splita – Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače. Slijedom navedenog, Muzej grada Splita neće izravno od posjetitelja vršiti naplatu ulaska u objekt Muzeja grada Splita – Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače. Dodatne usluge koje Muzej grada Splita bude pružio posjetitelju nisu predmet ovog ugovora, te iste plaća sam posjetitelj.

3. Naknada za ulazak u objekt Muzeja grada Splita – Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače određena je cjenikom i odlukom o cijeni organiziranih grupnih posjeta za objekt Muzeja grada Splita – Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače te iznosi 32,00 kuna (HRK), a ulaznica za djecu iznosi 22,00 kuna (HRK), međutim zbog izvanrednih okolnosti uzrokovanih epidemijom COVID-19, Muzej grada Splita donio je Odluku o sniženju cijena ulaznica za objekt Muzeja grada Splita – Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače umanjen 30% i sada iznose 24,00 kune (HRK) za odrasle, i 15,00 kuna (HRK) za djecu i studente. Cjenik Muzej grada Splita zadržava pravo promjene naknade o čemu će izvijestiti agenciju. Ukoliko Agencija ne prihvaća izmijenjenu cijenu može otkazati ovaj Ugovor sukladno članku 4. ovog Ugovora.

4. Naknadu iz prethodnog stavka ovog članka Agencija je dužna platiti u roku od 30 dana od dana izdavanja računa. U slučaju zakašnjenja s isplatom naknade obračunavaju se zakonske zatezne kamate.

5. U slučaju da Agencija ne plati naknadu iz stavka 1. ovog članka u roku, Agenciji odnosno osobama čiji je dolazak Agencija organizirala, zabranjuje se svaki daljnji ulazak u objekt Muzeja grada Splita – Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače putem vouchera, te je neplaćanje računa u roku opravdani razlog za raskid ugovora o poslovnoj suradnji. O zabrani ulaska Agencija će biti obaviještena putem elektronske pošte. Nadalje, ako ugovor nije raskinut, dok naknada ne bude podmirena, Muzej grada Splita do plaćanja naknade neće se smatrati obvezan ovim ugovorom, ako isti u međuvremenu ne bude raskinut. Nakon podmirenja naknade, ako ugovor nije raskinut, prava i obveze stranaka nastavljaju se izvršavati sukladno ovome ugovoru.

6. Sukladno odluci o cjenicima Muzeja, u neradne dane bez iznimke nije moguće ostvariti posjet Podrumima Dioklecijanove palače. Zbog pandemije Covida 19 Muzej grada Splita zadržava pravo promjene radnog vremena te molimo da isto pratite na web stranicama i društvenim mrežama Muzeja. Muzej grada Splita se obvezuje u što kraćem roku obavijestiti agenciju o promjenama radnog vremena.

Članak 3.

Ugovorne strane sporazumno utvrđuju da se ovaj Ugovor sklapa za 2021. godinu, odnosno na određeno vrijeme za razdoblje od 01. siječnja do 31. prosinca 2021. godine.

Članak 4.

1. Ugovorne strane suglasno utvrđuju da ovaj Ugovor može prestati otkazom istoga. Otkaz ugovora nije potrebno posebno obrazložiti.

2. Ugovorne strane suglasno utvrđuju da otkazni rok za otkaz ovog Ugovora iznosi 15 dana, osim u slučaju otkazivanja ugovora zbog razloga neplaćanja računa iz č kada nema otkaznog roka, a isti počinje teći od dana kada je otkaz primila ona ugovorna strana kojoj je isti upućen.

3. Otkaz mora dostaviti drugoj ugovornoj strani pismeno, preporučenom pošiljkom, u protivnom isti neće proizvoditi pravne učinke. Smatra se da je dostava uredno izvršena danom predaje pošti otkaza preporučenom pošiljkom.

4. U slučaju kada Muzej grada Splita otkazuje ugovor zbog neispunjavanja obveza ovog ugovora od strane Agencije primjenjuje se i članak 2. stavak 5. ovog Ugovora.

Članak 5.

1. Dopisna adresa ugovornih stranaka je adresa navedena u ovom Ugovoru. Agencija je dužna dostaviti e-mail adresu na koju je agencija dostupna i na koju odgovara u razumnom roku.

2. Ugovorne strane se obvezuju, u slučaju promjene adrese odnosno e-mail adrese , izvijestiti o promjeni adrese drugu ugovornu stranu najkasnije u roku od sedam dana od dana promjene adrese.

3. U protivnom, kao dopisna adresa ugovornih stranaka vrijedi adresa navedena u ovom Ugovoru.

Članak 6.

1. Ugovorne strane utvrđuju da će svaki spor koji bi mogao proizaći iz ovog Ugovora pokušati riješiti mirnim putem, a ukoliko u tome ne bi uspjele ugovaraju nadležnost Trgovačkog suda u Splitu.

2. Ugovorne strane ugovaraju kao mjerodavno pravo, hrvatsko pravo.

Članak 7.

1. Ugovorne strane suglasno utvrđuju da su izmjene i dopune ovom Ugovoru moguće i dopuštene samo u pisanom obliku potpisanom od obiju ugovornih strana.

2. Iznimku od prethodnog stavka ovog članka predstavlja članak 2. stavak 3. ovog Ugovora.

Članak 8.

1. Ugovorne strane izjavljuju da su ugovor pročitale i u potpunosti razumjele, te isti u znak prihvaćanja vlastoručno potpisuju.

2. Ovaj Ugovor sklopljen je u dva (2) istovjetna primjerka od kojih svakoj strani pripada po jedan (1).



Branka Brekalo



The CITY MUSEUM OF SPLIT, Papalićeva 1, 21000 Split, OIB: 35217491823, represented by the director, Branka Brekalo (in further text referred to as: City Museum of Split)


………………………………………………, ……………………………………………….. (FULL NAME – address, headquarters, postal code, PIN and the person who represents the agency (hereinafter: Agency)

stipulate hereby on ………………….. 2021 the following


Article 1.

1. The parties to the Agreement declare and agree, as follows:

- that the City Museum of Split is the public institution constituted with the Court of Commerce in Split, under the referral number: 060083839, registered for research, collecting, keeping, expert protection, scientific analysis and presentation of cultural heritage of the City of Split, as well as for preparation and organization of permanent and temporary exhibitions, organization and realization of lectures, courses, seminars, consultations, itinerant exhibitions, and similar.

The City Museum of Split, Papalićeva 1, 21000 Split, pursuant to the Conclusion on the Allocation of the Diocletian’s Palace Substructures for the Use and Management to the City Museum of Split issued by the Mayor of the City on Split of 17th April 2014, Class: 612-01/10.01/0097, Reg. No.: 2181-01-0114-0119 and the Minute on the Introduction of the City Museum of Split in the Diocletian’s Palace Substructures of 1st May 2014 and for the purpose of a successful performance of its activity relating to visitors, is to ensure as large number of visitors as possible to the City Museum of Split – the Diocletian’s Palace Substructures.

-that the Agency can organise visitors’ tours in the facility of the City Museum of Split – the Diocletian’s Palace Substructures.

Article 2.

1. The subject to this Agreement are business activities between the City Museum of Split and the Agency by issuing a voucher to visit the Diocletian Palace Substructures, enabling thus the Agency to postpone the payment to the City Museum of Split, and pay for the said visit after the realization of the service.

2. The parties to the Agreement declare and agree that the visitors to the premises of the City Museum of Split - Diocletian Palace Substructures, whose visit is organized by mediation of the Agency, will enter the premises of the City Museum of Split - Diocletian Palace Substructures, by presenting a voucher at the entrance, produced by the official group guide - tourist guide, within the visiting hours of the City Museum of Split - Diocletian Palace Substructures. Any additional services provided by the City Museum of Split are not subject to this Agreement, and are to be covered entirely by the visitor.

3. The adult visitor entrance fee to the City Museum of Split - Diocletian Palace Substructures is declared in the Price list and Decision on group visit prices to the City Museum of Split - Diocletian Palace Substructures, and amounts 32,00 Kuna (HRK), whereas the children fee amounts 22,00 Kuna (HRK), however, due to extraordinary circumstances caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, the City Museum of Split made a decision to reduce the entrance fee by 30% and now amount to 24.00 kuna (HRK) for adults, and 15.00 kuna (HRK) for children and students.

The City Museum of Split will keep the discretion right to modify the said fee. The Agency will be timely informed about any such modification. If the Agency chooses not to accept the said modification, it is entitled to cancel this Agreement, in conformity with the Art. 4 thereof.

4. The Agency will pay the fee referred to in the previous comma, within 30 days from the date of issuing the invoice. In case of delays in payment, the overdue interest rates will be calculated to any such delay.

5. Should the Agency fail to timely settle the fee referred to in the comma 1, the persons whose visit is organized by the Agency, and the Agency itself, will be banned from visiting the premises of the City Museum of Split - Diocletian Palace Substructures upon presentation of a voucher, until the fee has been settled. That also is legitimate reason for immediate cancellation of this Agreement. The Agency will be informed on the admittance ban via electronic mail The City Museum of Split cannot be considered liable conformably to this Agreement, until the said fee has been settled. After the settlement of the fee, if the Agreement isn’t cancelled, the parties shall continue to execute their duties and rights, in conformity with the Agreement.

6. The list of non-working days without exception is listed in the Museum's price list. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the City Museum of Split reserves the right to change working hours, so please follow the same on the Museum's website and social networks. The City Museum of Split undertakes to inform the agency about changes in working hours as soon as possible.

Article 3.

The parties to the Agreement declare and agree to sign this Agreement for the year 2021, and more precisely for the period from 1st January to 31st December 2021.

Article 4.

1. The parties to the Agreement declare and agree that this Agreement may be terminated by cancellation. The argumentation of any such notice shall not be considered necessary.

2. The parties to the Agreement agree on 15 day notice period except in the case of the cancellation of the Agreement due to the failed payment of the invoices from Article 2, comma 5. The notice period will commence on the day of the receipt of the notice by the party to who the notice has been sent.

3. Unless the notice is presented to the other party in written, by registered letter, it shall not produce legal effect. The delivery of such notice shall be considered regular on presentation of the registered letter to the postal office.

4. If the City Museum of Split cancels the Agreement due to unfulfillment of the commitments thereof by the Agency, the Article 2 comma 5 shall apply.

Article 5.

1. The official address of the parties shall be the one stated in this Agreement. The Agency is required to provide the e-mail address to which the agency is available and to which it is responsive within a reasonable time frame.

2. Any party to the Agreement shall inform the other party on any change in the address, at the latest, within seven days from the date of such a change. The Contracting Parties undertake, in the event of changing the address or e-mail address, to notify about that other Contracting Party not later than seven days after changing the address.

3. In the case contrary, the official address will be considered the one stated in the Agreement.

Article 6.

1. The parties to the Agreement declare and agree to solve any dispute which might derive from this Agreement by peaceful negotiations. Should they fail in finding such a peaceful solution, the parties accept the competence of the Court of Commerce in Split.

2. The parties to the Agreement accept the Croatian Law as the applicable law.

Article 7.

1. The parties to the Agreement agree that modifications and amendments to this agreement are acceptable only in written and only if signed by both parties.

2. With reference to the previous comma, only Article 2 comma 3 shall be considered an exception.

Article 8.

1. The parties to the Agreement declare to have read and fully understood the Agreement, and in sign of acceptance, they affix their signatures thereof.

2. This Agreement is signed in two (2) originals, of which each party is entitled to one (1) original.



Branka Brekalo





Tags: 21000 split,, 1, 21000, 35217491823, grada, splita, papalićeva, muzej, split, 21000