Wednesday 12th December 6.30pm

Present: Kath Bickerstaff, Shelagh Clarke, Viv Fry, Joy Giles, Helen and Jim Greig, Dave Groom, John Hackett (Chairman), Ian Hewitt, Tricia Jermy, Irfan Malik, Ingrid Reid, Amanda Roberts (Secretary), Helen and Edward Skadorwa, Jean Smith, Margaret Smith, Ian Trimble, Margaret Turner, Pamela Ward, Charles Wilson, Sue Wilson.

Apologies: Jacqui Chapman, Jean and Malcolm Fisher, Josephine Fulton, Vicki Hardy, Joan Hind, Val Sullivan, Sue Tribe, Carole Weston, Marysia Wilson


Dr Malik told us what the Liverpool Care pathway really means for our patients. Carl Ellis and Carole Clay from End of Life Care Team also attended.

The Liverpool Pathway is a formalised and concise pathway incorporating best practice for the final days of a terminal patient. It has been used in Nottingham for less than 10 years and offers a flexible way to achieve a “good death” for the patient. Generally the patient has already moved past eating and drinking. It requires someone to take the decision that the pathway is appropriate and needs good communication with loved ones and other health care professionals. The pathway is revised as necessary and is now on version 12. The pathway is flexible and must include reviews to ensure that the pathway remains appropriate for the patient, as measured by four key criteria.

In order to ensure your wishes are followed even when you are not in a position to express them, an “Advanced Decision” http://www.adrt.nhs.uk/ [When accessing this link, click on the patient/public section it will give details of how to make an ADRT decision and why it would support the individual in making decisions about their future care should they lack capacity to do so when there becomes a time for a decision] or a “Lasting Power of Attorney” may be a way forward.

Concerns over the interface between medical and mental care were voiced.

Some nursing/residential homes in Nottingham use the pathway (it is not obligatory). However, in these, the end of life team may support the nurses who may not be trained or confident in following the pathway themselves.

The meeting felt reassured by the presentation although it was recognised that the pathway may very occasionally be poorly implemented.

  1. Matters arising:

Letter received from Teresa Cope, Director of Contracting Delivery and Quality, NHS Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group on 19 November2012

As agreed in our recent email correspondence, I would like to provide you with a written response to the concerns that you raised over the re-procurement of services delivered from the Nottingham NHS Treatment Centre.  I am aware that you have received a response from Linda Parker, Project Manager with Strategic Project Team and therefore have some of the background and context to the re-procurement. You will also be aware from Linda's response that the Invitation to Tender (ITT) process is currently on-going and therefore much of the details regarding the re-procured services are currently commercial in confidence and therefore unable to be shared with you at this stage.  I will however try and respond to concerns as completely as possible.

I have established that there was no consultation with patients over the services to be procured from the Nottingham NHS Treatment Centre in advance of the tender documentation being issued.  This is because there were proposed to be no planned changes to the 'core' services delivered by the Nottingham NHS Treatment Centre. I believe that this was agreed by the re-procurement team at the beginning of 2012. 

A communication plan has been developed to support the re-procurement which includes regular newsletters to key stakeholders.  As part of the communication plan, a patient representative engagement event was scheduled on the 26th September 2012 to inform CCGs patient representatives about the procurement process and key timelines.  CCGs were invited to send up to 2 representative to the meeting.  Unfortunately, there was some confusion on how this request was worded and who in the CCG received the request and, as a result,  the request was not actioned the way it should have been. Consequently patient respresentatives from Nottingham City CCG was not present at the event. We have now requested that Traci Baker, CCG engagement lead, is the named point of contact for all future engagement / communication activity for the Treatment Centre re-procurement so she can ensure that updates on the procurement are circulated to patient representatives in a timely manner. 

In terms of the evaluation of the submitted bids, there is a team of evaluators which includes a patient representative.  The patient representative is however a Nottingham County representative and I have therefore asked the Project Team if there is an opportunity to also have a City CCG patient representative on the evaluation panel, particularly given that City CCG activity accounts for a large proportion of the overall activity within the Treatment Centre (approx 35%).  I am awaiting a response on this.

I think it fair to say the patient engagement on this matter could have been a lot better and, to use your words, has been patchy.  We do need to put this right and I will work with Traci and her line manager (Sally Seeley) to do this.  I apologise that I have not been able to provide you with the really comprehensive response that I had hope to and provide you with the assurance that you were seeking.  I am very happy to meet as previously discussed to talk through this matter  if you wish.

Next meetings:

In the news

Nottingham Carers’ Hub

A draft specification has been developed for a new integrated service for unpaid carers. This has been developed following extensive consultation with carers, practitioners and providers.

We would now welcome feedback from carers, providers and other stakeholders in relation to the proposed specification. The new service is due to be in place from 1st October 2013.

You can provide feedback in two ways.

The Carer Consultation Form

This form is primarily intended for carers. It provides key elements of the specification and asks for feedback on a section by section basis, including a number of yes/no responses.

Services who work with carers are asked to encourage or support their carers to complete this feedback.

Comments on the full draft specification

This is primarily targeted at providers and stakeholders. Please feel free to suggest any additions, amendments or corrections. Comments should be limited to a maximum of two sides of paper. (cont)

(cont) All responses should specify the contact details of the respondee including their name, role and group or organisation that they are representing.

Both forms are also available on the Quality and Commissioning Website. Please click this link to access.

Please send all completed consultation questionnaires to:

[email protected]

or post to:

Clare Gilbert, Lead Commissioning Manager, Quality & Commissioning | Children & Families | Nottingham City Council | Loxley House | Station Street | NOTTINGHAM | NG2 3NG

If you would like to speak to me directly about the consultation or arrange for me to meet with a carers’ group please contact me on the above email or telephone me on 0115 87 64811

All responses will need to be submitted by Friday 4th January

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

The next Medicine for Members events due to take place are:

Rheumatology & Arthritis –31 January 2013, 6-7.30pm

Diabetic Eye Screening 20 March 2013, 6-7.30pm

To book your place, please contact Laura Thomas at [email protected] or call 0115 9691169 ext: 76242

Clinical Documentation & Generic Record Standards (CDGRS) Project

Royal College of Physician (RCP) would like your views on a few points in relation to their project reviewing the record headings used for admission, handover, discharge, outpatients, referrals and core information. If you would like to find out more about the project, please go to - http://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/developing-record-standards

The short online consultation questionnaire, seeks the views of patients and practising clinicians on 6 record headings.  You will find it at this link – https://www.rcpworkforce.com/se.ashx?s=253122AC0FDF9E53

Your views as patients are very important for ensuring that electronic health records reflect health care needs and provide the information in an understandable way.

This questionnaire should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and will close by COB on Tuesday the 1st of January 2013.


Tags: centre patient, treatment centre, elmswood, meeting, centre, wednesday, participation, patient, group, health