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UKIERI Bulletin November 2008 issue

Welcome to a new look UKIERI newsletter - aimed at getting news out to our contacts on a monthly basis

Going Global 3

The Going Global 3 conference will be held at ExCel venue in Docklands December 4 and 5 and includes a UKIERI strand focussing on ‘Partnerships with India’ for this year. This will be an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the initiative through successful partnerships and to share best practice.

See details on where you can find out more and register.

Evaluation of UKIERI programme

This year UKIERI commissioned an external evaluation to assess its progress to date, review forthcoming activities between now and 2011 and to consider options for UKIERI post 2011. The findings of the Evaluation were presented to the UKIERI Board in November.

We would like to extend our appreciation to all those of you who completed the questionnaire!

Strand Updates

Higher Education

Research Awards

Applications for the third round of Research Awards were submitted at the end of September and 88 high quality proposals were received. The Evaluation Panel, made up of leading academics from the UK and India, sat on 23 and 24 October to assess the proposals. The meeting was extremely successful and was testament to the collaborative efficiency and hard work of the teams. The panel recommended a total of 44 proposals for funding and of these, 22 are in the DST stream and 22 in UKIERI.

The UKIERI board met on November 12 to approve the list of fundable projects and the results will be announced in December.

Collaborative Programme Delivery

Applications for Collaborative Programme Delivery Awards were submitted at the end of September and 19 proposals were submitted. The Evaluation Panel met to review the proposals on 15 October and 8 proposals were recommended for funding under UKIERI. These recommendations will be approved at the November board meeting and the results will be announced in December.


A Leadership Seminar for 2nd Cohort of Indian Schools took place from 15-18 October 08, facilitated by Jackie Kearns and Chris Green.

The Jack Gibson Memorial Lecture was delivered on 18 October by Mick Waters, Director Curriculum, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA). It was attended by invited heads of schools, school education officials and participants of the leadership seminar. It was received with great enthusiasm and more details can be read on the UKIERI website.

13 project proposals from the 3rd cohort of clusters have been approved and were presented to the UKIERI board for endorsement on November 12. This means that UKIERI now has a total of 37 school partnerships each with ten schools in the UK and India. Wales has three clusters and England the rest. Scotland and Northern Ireland did not buy into the UKIERI schools strand. This is the last cohort for school partnerships unless further funding becomes available.

Professional and Technical Skills

A call for bids for travel grants under the Professional Technical Skills strand will be announced in December on the UKIERI web site This will be an opportunity for those who are in the early stages of building partnerships to meet their collaborators face to face to discuss forthcoming projects.

Other funding opportunities

British Chevening Scholarship 2009

Exceptional Indian graduates from all backgrounds can apply for the prestigious open Masters and the Gurukul Scholarship Programme. More details are available on

Closing date: 31 December 2008

Dr Manmohan Singh Scholarships 2009

The scholarships are available for doctoral studies in science & technology, economics and social sciences at St John’s College, University of Cambridge, UK.  More details are available on

Closing date: 31 December 2008

If you have any feedback on our first pilot newsletter please let us know at [email protected]

Tags: bulletin november, november, welcome, issue, ukieri, bulletin