Teach Engineering Stem Curriculum Lesson Designing Bridges

Unit Plan Template

Lesson Plan

Lesson Author

First and Last Name


Gabino Noriega


Lesson Overview

Lesson Plan Title

Connection to Earth

Essential Questions

What do you think we are given from the earth? What does the earth offer to us?

Lesson Summary

This lesson follows a unit on the introduction to Curanderismo. It will elaborate on the Curanderismo philosophies and ideas of balance between human and nature as well as the indigenous ancestral connection to the earth that has been a key theme in our previous Chicanx Studies coursework.

Subject Area(s)

Chicana and Chicano Studies 2996 (Curanderismo: Mexican Traditinal Medicine)

Grade Level

9th – 12th grade

Student Objectives

Students will understand:

  • The importance of connecting with the Earth.

  • How they play a part in the natural world.

Students will be able to:

  • Anaylze how they can help “return the gift” and practice “Inaaknigen”

  • Identify how they can share or express this awareness.

Standards and Benchmarks

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful.

Analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem (e.g., recorded or live production of a play or recorded novel or poetry), evaluating how each version interprets the source text.

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.


Student Assessment (include rubric)

Formative: video and lecture questions

Summative: Connection to Earth Poem


Step-by-step Procedure

  • Begin class by asking the following questions:

  1. What do you think we are given from the earth? What does the earth offer to us?

  2. Consider one thing that you have in your life that is special to you that the Earth has provided for you. What is that?

  3. Look back to your ancestors and consider all of the things the Earth provided for them and now look to the future and think about the generations before you. Will it be the same for them?

  4. If the Earth provided what was needed to make ___________ (insert item), what did you give back to the Earth?

These questions will be displayed on the Promethean board for students to refer to. Students will contemplate the question and write their response on a scrap piece of paper. After students have written a response they will turn to a partner to discuss their thoughts.

20 min

  • After students have shared with a partner call upon students to report out what they discussed with their partner. 10 min

  • After students have reported out, display the Poems and Sayings on the projector and read them aloud with the students. After reading each poem or saying ask students what they thought about the poem or sayings. Then discuss why it is imperative that we express the importance of the Earth or your connection to the Earth. 15 min

  • After this discussion give a brief overview of the Connection to Earth Poem assignment and have students start their poems. Remind students to look to the poem examples or their experiences for inspiration. 5 min

  • Students will then begin working on their poems. Offer them times to connect with the Earth while they work. Let them write in the sunlight, work outside, listen to the natural sounds of the Earth, or take hang out by a window. Encourage students to truly reflect and analyze their life and their connection to the Earth. 1 hr 30 min

  • Have students share their poems in class in small groups. Here students will discuss and share their poems, themes, thoughts and meanings.

Differentiation Strategies for Special Education Students & ELL’s

  • Directions in English and Spanish

  • Cooperative learning groups

  • Examples of other poems in English and Spanish

Materials, resources, tools, technology, etc.

  • Sacred Fisher Story


  • Inaaknigewin


  • Sample Poems posted on Canvas

  • computers around room and laptops for students to access articles and other resources to further their understanding

Poems and Sayings

It is only by my hand, by my face, my heart, my spirit that either I will wither, or I will bloom,

I will become as green land, as tilled earth I will germinate, I will sprout.”

-Aztec Proverb

"Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission.  This is the Indian theory of existence."

-- Christal Quintasket - Salish

We all walk this Good Earth Road as creatures of the One Creator. The rising and falling of the Sun each day, the seasons, the gifts of food, shelter, love and friendship are there for each ofus in the One Circle. If you cannot find the way to be grateful in your heart,the fault lies within you.”

-Tecumthe, Tecumseh

My heart soars

The beauty of the trees,
the softness of the air,
the fragrance of the grass,
speaks to me.

The summit of the mountain,
the thunder of the sky,
the rhythm of the sea,
speaks to me.

The faintness of the stars,
the freshness of the morning,
the dew drop on the flower,
speaks to me.

The strength of fire,
the taste of salmon,
the trail of the sun,
And the life that never goes away,
They speak to me.
And my heart soars

-Chief Dan George

Our Mother Earth

This Mother Earth,
Who gives us life;
This Mother Earth,
Heart filled with strife,

We love her not,
Though love we should;
Her death we plot,
For life's "own good;"

She gave us air, and food, and home.
That's not enough we humans scream;
With greedy lust, our mouths do foam,
With evil hopes, our eyes do gleam;

Her air we fill
With smoke and death;
Ourselves we kill,
For lack of breath;

The sea once clean,
Now choked with waste;
To drink, we fear,
Will death make haste;

The soil once pure
And full of life,
Now barren sand
Of farmers' strife;

No longer she
Can stand our "love;"
Now we must flee
Like scattered dove;

She gave us all,
Unto the end;
Now we appalled,
Our lives defend.

-Joshua Isham


Remember the sky that you were born under,
know each of the star's stories.
Remember the moon, know who she is.
Remember the sun's birth at dawn, that is the
strongest point of time. Remember sundown
and the giving away to night.
Remember your birth, how your mother struggled
to give you form and breath. You are evidence of
her life, and her mother's, and hers.
Remember your father. He is your life, also.
Remember the earth whose skin you are:
red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth
brown earth, we are earth.
Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their
tribes, their families, their histories, too. Talk to them,
listen to them. They are alive poems.
Remember the wind. Remember her voice. She knows the
origin of this universe.
Remember you are all people and all people
are you.
Remember you are this universe and this
universe is you.
Remember all is in motion, is growing, is you.
Remember language comes from this.
Remember the dance language is, that life is.

- Joy Harjo

I am of the Earth

I am of the earth
She is my mother
She bore me with pride
She reared me with love
She cradled me each evening
She pushed the wind to make it sing
She built me a house of harmonious colors
She fed me the fruits of her fields
She rewarded me with memories of her smiles
She punished me with the passing of time
And at last when I long to leave
She will embrace me for eternity.

-Anna Lee Walters

Poemas y refranes en Español

"Es solo por mi mano, por mi rostro, mi corazón, mi espíritu que o me marchitaré, o floreceré,

Me convertiré en tierra verde, como tierra labrada germinaré, germinaré ”.

-Proverbio Azteca

“Todos caminamos por este Buen Camino de la Tierra como criaturas del Creador Único. El ascenso y la caída del Sol cada día, las estaciones, los obsequios de comida, refugio, amor y amistad están ahí para cada uno de nosotros en el One Circle. Si no puedes encontrar la manera de ser agradecido en tu corazón, la culpa está dentro de ti ”.

-Tecumthe, Tecumseh

Mi corazón se eleva

La belleza de los árboles

la suavidad del aire

la fragancia de la hierba

me habla

La cumbre de la montaña,

el trueno del cielo

el ritmo del mar

me habla

El desmayo de las estrellas,

la frescura de la mañana

la gota de rocío sobre la flor

me habla

La fuerza del fuego,

el sabor del salmón

el rastro del sol

Y la vida que nunca se va,

Me hablan

Y mi corazón se eleva

-Chief Dan George

Nuestra Madre Tierra

Esta madre tierra

Quien nos da la vida;

Esta madre tierra

Corazón lleno de conflictos

No la amamos

Aunque deberíamos amar;

Su muerte tramamos,

Por el "bien propio" de la vida;

Ella nos dio aire, comida y hogar.

Eso no es suficiente, los humanos gritamos;

Con lujuria codiciosa, nuestras bocas hacen espuma,

Con malas esperanzas, nuestros ojos brillan;

Su aire lo llenamos

Con humo y muerte;

Nosotros mismos matamos

Por falta de aliento;

El mar una vez limpio

Ahora ahogado con la basura;

Para beber, tememos,

¿Se apresurará la muerte?

El suelo una vez puro

Y lleno de vida

Ahora arena estéril

De la lucha de los granjeros;

Ya no ella

Puede soportar nuestro "amor";

Ahora debemos huir

Como paloma dispersa;

Ella nos dio a todos

Hasta el final;

Ahora nos horrorizamos

Nuestras vidas defienden.

-Joshua Isham


Recuerda el cielo bajo el que naciste

Conocer cada una de las historias de la estrella.

Recuerda la luna, sabe quién es ella.

Recuerda el nacimiento del sol al amanecer, ese es el

punto más fuerte del tiempo. Recuerda la puesta del sol

y el regalar a la noche.

Recuerda tu nacimiento, cómo luchó tu madre

para darte forma y aliento. Eres evidencia de

su vida, la de su madre y la de ella.

Recuerda a tu padre. Él es tu vida, también.

Recuerda la tierra cuya piel eres:

tierra roja, tierra negra, tierra amarilla, tierra blanca

Tierra marrón, somos tierra.

Recuerda las plantas, los árboles, la vida animal que todos tienen su

tribus, sus familias, sus historias, también. Háblales,

escúchalos. Son poemas vivos.

Recuerda el viento. Recuerda su voz. Ella sabe el

origen de este universo.

Recuerda que eres toda la gente y todas las personas

es usted.

Recuerda que eres este universo y esto

El universo eres tú.

Recuerda que todo está en movimiento, está creciendo, eres tú.

Recuerda que el lenguaje proviene de esto.

Recuerda que el lenguaje de baile es, que la vida es.


- Joy Harjo

Yo soy de la tierra

Yo soy de la tierra

Ella es mi madre

Ella me aburre con orgullo

Ella me crio con amor

Ella me acunaba cada noche

Ella empujó el viento para que cantara

Ella me construyo una casa de colores armoniosos

Ella me dio de comer los frutos de sus campos

Ella me recompensó con recuerdos de sus sonrisas.

Ella me castigaba con el paso del tiempo

Y al fin cuando anhelo irme

Ella me abrazará por la eternidad.

-Anna Lee Walters

Earth Connection Poem Directions

This assignment requires that you complete a poem in which you discuss the importance of land and your connection to it. Use the examples discussed in class to complete your own poem and make sure to think about the questions we discussed in class. Think about how you have been doing work with plants and in the greenhouse. Think about the medicine and other things the Earth gives us. The poem needs to be between 14-20 lines in length.

Esta tarea requiere que complete un poema en el que discuta la importancia de la tierra y su conexión con ella. Use los ejemplos discutidos en clase para completar su propio poema y asegúrese de pensar en las preguntas que discutimos en clase. Piensa en cómo has estado trabajando con plantas y en el invernadero. Piensa en la medicina y otras cosas que nos da la Tierra. El poema debe tener entre 14-20 líneas de duración.


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